Wild Card

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POV: Tate

I want to kill the teacher, but I'll be shot and killed if I just go into a high security prison and wolf form. In human form I'll be arrested. So basically I have to suck it up and keep watching my sister through the window. She was supposed to wake up two fucking weeks ago, but the stubborn bitch is still fucking napping.

They moved her to the recovery wing last week, so I can be in the room with her more. Demi had to go back to work for a few days before she got fired, but she'll be heading back over as soon as school gets out tomorrow since it'll be Friday.

"Tate," a weak voice mumbled.

I looked down to see Harlow looking back up at me. "It's about fucking time sis." I teased as I teared up. "You've gotta stop with the dancing with death."

"Yeah well, I like to keep you on your toes." Harlow chuckled weakly, but then coughed a little.

"You're lucky you finished the football season with your team literally the Friday before this shit went down, because you're not allowed to get your respiratory rate higher than it is when you're relaxed for a few more weeks." I gave her a weak smile. "Stop smiling at me before you make me cry."

"My bad. I forget that you're a softie." Harlow smirked at me.

"I'm not a softie. You'd be like this too if I kept on nearly dying at twice in a three month time period." I snapped lightly.

"Mhm, right. Go get a doctor please and then text Demi."

I nodded before patting my sister's knee and leaving the room.

Tanner brought me another change of clothes, knowing I won't leave this place till Harlow is at my side, so I'm getting less weird looks from everyone.

Dr Williams smiled at me before noticing the look on my face and excusing the conversation she was having with a nurse and then walked over to me. "Is everything okay?"

"She's awake." I tried to hide my smile, but it hit me when I said it.

"That's awesome!" Dr Williams cheered as she waved for some nurses to follow her to the room Harlow was in.

My hands fished my phone out of my back pocket before texting Demi.

Me: She's awake and talking.

Demi: I'll see you in four hours.

Me: She'll still be awake when you leave tomorrow after school. You don't want to get fired, do you?

Demi: I've been here for four days. The principal said I could leave if she woke up as long as I let her know, so I will see you in four hours.

Me: It's one in the morning.

Demi: So I'll see you at five. Tanner will be there tomorrow around eight in the morning.

I sighed, knowing I wouldn't win this argument, before walking back to the window to watch Harlow.

She was talking to Dr Williams and the nurses as they did basic physical test like asking her to squeeze their fingers and for her to move her legs to see how awake her body is and not just her brain.

"She may be a few weeks off schedule, but she's perfectly healthy from what we can see now. We'll keep her here for a few more days to make sure her lungs can handle her walking and all of that jazz, but after that she'll be free to go home as long as she comes back see us in a month, or sooner if something happens." Dr Williams gave me a warm smile.

"That's great news." I smiled back. "Thank you."

"It's my job, but you're very welcome." She gave me a small smile before walking away.

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