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POV: Demi

"You've gotta get Tate to stop with his shit or I won't be able to take you two anywhere anymore. You two fight all the time. You even fight in the parking lot of the high school, in front of my parents. Really Harlow? Really?" I looked at Harlow as she looked down at her lap.

"I'm sorry. I'll just stop fighting back. I'll talk to him." Harlow whispered.

I let out a sigh. I hate it when she feels like she's failed me. The pain in her eyes is unbearable for me to look at.

"Please don't leave me." When she lifted her gaze from her lap, I saw the tears that were streaming down her cheeks.

"I will never leave you baby girl." I spoke softly as I quickly made my way over to the bed so I could hold her. "I love you too much for that."

She simply nodded her head in my chest when she laid in my arms. Her whole figure shook as she sobbed.

"You're okay. I'm not mad at you." I pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I just need that issue to be fixed, okay?"

Harlow nodded again as she wrapped her arms around mine, making sure I don't let go of her.


"I talked to Tate." Harlow spoke softly as we both sat on the couch watching random movies. Sundays for us are almost always lazy. We don't get anything done.

"How'd it go?" I asked without tearing my gaze from the tv.

"He said he'll stop with the bullshit, even though I piss him off." The smile on her lips was evident in her voice.

"Good," I nodded my head.

Harlow was sprawled out on one end of the couch and I was on the other, our legs intertwined. Harlow isn't great about expressing love verbally, so she does it through contact. Both innocent and... not so innocent.

"Where is he now?" I turned my attention to her briefly to get a look at her perfect body as she sat in her loose grey joggers and her sports bra. The scars scattered all over her skin doesn't take anything away from her perfection.

"Hunting more than likely. He wanted to go for a run, and when he goes for runs he gets hungry. So probably a deer or something." Harlow shrugged, not paying any attention to me staring at her.

I meant to look away after a second or two, but I can't. My girlfriend is fucking gorgeous.

"Take a picture babe. It'll last longer." She turned her gaze to meet mine, only to wink and then focus back on the tv.

"Nah, I'll just continue to stare." I shrugged shamelessly.

"That's a bit creepy." Harlow teased.

"Am I not allowed to look at what belongs to me?" I raised a brow as her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. My dominance was making itself known.

"I'm sorry Mistress." She responded correctly, knowing my tells and tones that give away that I'm in my dominant state.

"Who do you belong to?" I cocked my head to the side as I carefully watched her.

"You do, Mistress." She answered correctly again without hesitation.

"Good girl." I smirked as she squirmed under my gaze.

She blushed at the praise.

"Come here." I opened my arms up sweetly for her to crawl into, and she did exactly that. Resting her head on my boobs as always.

Harlow let out a content sigh and I smiled at the sight.

"Guess what?" I looked down at her and she lifted her head up off of my chest to look me in the eyes.


"Christmas is in forty days." I smiled.

"You're counting?" Harlow teased.

"Yes, because I'm going to spoil the shit out of you." I kissed the top of her head.

"You don't need to." She hid her face in my neck as she blushed.

"I know I don't, but I will because I love you more than life itself." I giggled as she blushed even more.

"It's going to be my first real Christmas." She whispered in an embarrassed tone.

"Oh, then I'm going to call Santa and tell him he needs to make it extra special." I smirked down at her.

"You did not just pull that cheesy of a card." Harlow groaned and rolled over to hide her face in my neck more, her stomach was hard as fuck against mine.

"Oh, I did, and I will continue to pull it." I rested my hands on her ass, squeezing it when I saw fit.

Harlow peppered innocent kisses on my neck.

"What do you want for Christmas?" I played with the waistband of her sweatpants.

"Football stuff!" Harlow lifted her face from my neck and she looked like a kid the way her face lit up.

"Okay," I chuckled. "I'll take my dad with me so he can tell me what to get."

"What do you want for Christmas?" She looked up at me with a cheesy smile.

"You." I flirted shamelessly.

She shot me a wink. "I think I can make that happen." Her teeth took her bottom lip captive as she looked at me.

I hummed and played ran my hands around her waistband. "You're all I could ever want and need, so a day alone with you is all I want. Not us just sitting on the couch being lazy all day. Like, we go somewhere. I know we can't go anywhere alone together here because you're my student, but maybe a vacation or something. I'll pay for it, you just choose." I smiled at her as she furrowed her eyebrows together, obviously planning where to go already.

"I'll plan it, but I definitely won't let you pay for your own present. Do you forget that your girlfriend is loaded?" Harlow raised an amused brow.

"I didn't, but I also don't want to seem like I'm using you for money." I looked at her with a serious expression, because I'm being honest.

"If I had any doubt of you doing that I'd call you out on it. Someone who uses you doesn't exactly do what you do to me." She winked and then started to grind her hips against mine.

I grabbed her hips and held them still. "Did I give you permission to do that?"

"No ma'am, but I am very horny." Harlow whimpered and tried to move her hips again, but I sunk my nails into her hips.

"Maybe later on tonight. I'm enjoying seeing you so worked up too much to have it end right now. Don't you dare touch yourself either." I growled at the last part.

She whimpered and let her body go limp on top of mine.

"We also have school tomorrow and you have practice till ten, so I don't know if I want to tire you out." I raked my fingernails gently up and down her back, knowing it makes her relax and get sleepy within seconds.

"Yes Mistress." Harlow yawned in my neck before scooting down some so she could lay her head on my boobs. "Your boobs are very comfortable. Thank you for having them."

I laughed loudly at her statement and she chuckled slightly too, but she was too tired to laugh as hard as I just did.

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