Let's Go Visit

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POV: Harlow

It's been awhile since the pain has been this bad. I can't stand anymore. I can barely move anything. The only thing in my entire body that is moving is my spazzing diaphragm that keeps my hiccups coming since I ran out of tears.

Demi had to leave for work, and I physically could not do it today. She tried to feed me, but I couldn't even open my mouth, let alone chew. It's only supposed to last about five to six hours at a time. We are hitting hour number eleven.

Tate has been trying to get me to shift to see if that will help, but every time I go to my body gives out due to me not having anywhere near enough energy to shift my bones and muscles with purpose. I'm in so much pain that I'm howling. My howls of pain don't sound like a person trying to mimic a howl; they sound like actual howls of wolves who run in the wind without a worry in the world. Except this time it sounds like a wolf got shot.

"Harlow, you've gotta eat to get your energy up if you're going to shift." Tate sighed as he walked in with a bowl of soup that was steaming at the top.

I couldn't respond. In my mind I was yelling 'no', but there is only so much that I can do.

"I'll sit you up and then I'll feed you." He found a way to get me sitting up straight in my cave-like bed before pushing the spoon past my lips multiple times. "Swallow Harlow. You can at least do that." Tate scolded me.

I swallowed the soup before doing my best to turn my head away from the spoon in my brother's grasp. I groaned as the hot fluid painfully ran along my esophagus.

"If you won't eat, you have to try to shift again." Tate raised a brow, but I shrugged and focused.

My eyes closed as my bones started to shift into the correct place for my wolf stature and the fur started to grow.

"There you go. Keep pushing yourself; you're halfway there." Tate stepped away and let me shift with more space.

"Fuck!" I howled as my neck shifted into position. My body fell forward onto the blankets as the last few muscles shifted into place.

"There you go! Now we're talking! Do you feel any better?" Tate raised a brow at me before cheering too much.

"Yeah, the shifting stopped. I've gotta stay in this form for awhile though. There is no way I am shifting any time soon after finally being out of pain." I sighed, not knowing how Demi will feel about it.

"Let's go visit Demi. I'll go get the service dog jacket and I'll text Demi to let the office know about our visit." Tate quickly rushed out before running to his building.

Tate and I have service dog vests and certificates so one of us can be in human form and the other can be in wolf form and still be together everywhere we go.

I stood still has he fitted the jacket around my brown coat. Lacing it in between my front legs and securely around my stomach.

"Let's go Low." Tate smiled down at me before leading me out of the house.

I have to act like a service dog. Stay serious, and don't get distracted. Follow commands, and be nice to people.

"Hi, I'm here to see Miss Lovato." Tate smiled brightly at the lady at the front desk.

When she saw me and my height all of the blood drained from her face. "Is t-that a wolf?" She stuttered out.

"Yes, this is Low. She is well behaved and licensed to help me with my blood pressure. Would you like to see her license?" Tate asked with a bright smile.

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