Just Switch

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POV: Harlow

"You're clear to do just about anything. Just please don't just go sprint without getting your lungs ready. Gradually start getting your breathing up. Don't just mess with them." The doctor sighed since she knows how stubborn I am.

"Okie dokie!" I smiled.

"Go on." She shooed me out of the office.

"Time for Christmas vacation!" I jumped out of the office with Demi leading the way.

"We're going to my parents house for dinner tonight, so you have to prepare yourself to behave like a person would." Demi gave me a look as she opened the car door for me.

"It's not my fault she threw the ball!" I put my hands up.

"Madison threw the ball for the dog; not for Harlow." Demi rolled her eyes.

"Well, I didn't know that." I mumbled and looked down at my lap.

"People don't throw balls for other people to go retrieve and bring back to them." She sighed as she slipped behind the wheel.

I didn't respond to that, knowing she's right.

"Casual dress code. Just don't walk up in there with one of your tank tops that show your bra, no matter how hot I think you look in them especially when you aren't wearing a bra," Demi got sidetracked at the thought which made me slightly smirk. "And a pair of athletic shorts. That's too casual. Wear jeans and a normal shirt like a normal person would and all will be good. I get that you don't like to wear shirts or pants, but do it for me."

"Okay," I sighed.

I have a bad feeling about tonight for some reason though. Something has been off all week, and Tate can sense it too.

"Tate can't come, so it'll just be us." I added randomly.

Demi just nodded, knowing Tate is weird with his running and hunting schedule, but he can't come today because he will be watching the outside of Demi's parent's house till we leave, and probably a little after that.

"How are you feeling, Harlow?" Demi's mother asked me with a smile as we ate dinner together. The feeling is progressively getting worse by the minute.

"Much better. Thank you." I answered quickly. It either was interpreted that I am in pain or that I am mad at everyone, because the expression that Demi's mom gave Demi was quite the look.

"What's wrong?" Demi whispered in my ear.

"Something is up." I looked away from the table enough for only Demi to see my eyes before letting the blue ring around my irises show.

Demi slowly nodded and her chewing slowed as well.

I took a deep breath as I did my best to read my surroundings. Neighbor next door. Tate in the woods. The occasional rabbit, fox, and rat. Then the foreign smell that I can't figure out what the fuck it is. "I need to get a breath of fresh air for my lungs." I gave everyone a convincing smile before slipping a knowing look to Demi as I got up.

"Let me know if you need anything!" Demi's mom yelled to me and I heard her dad mutter something under his breath. He hates me for some reason, but he really isn't going to like me if shit goes down, because I will do everything and anything to protect my match and I don't have muh control over what I do.

Once I got outside I searched for Tate's golden eyes in the bushes that surrounded the property perfectly, and once I saw them at the back of the property line I nodded once in appreciation.

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