Harms Way

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POV: Demi

I watched as Harlow hissed when she sat up. I had marked that pretty body of hers all up, and when the blankets dropped from her shoulders, marks were scattered across her skin.

"It's hot in the moment. Not so hot a few hours after." Harlow whined.

I stuck my bottom lip out and cooed to her. "My poor baby."

Harlow tried to stand, but she shifted one wrong way and just laid back down.

"Do you want me to put lotion on your marks?" I raised a brow as I reached for the lotion on the nightstand. I keep it there for non sexual reasons. My skin dries up in the winter.

She nodded her head and a pitiful whimper escaped her lips.

A small smile rested on her lips as I gently rubbed all of the tense muscles in her back as well as putting the lotion carefully over the red streaks and circles scattered around my canvas of her skin.

Harlow hissed as the lotion touched one of the purple marks. "Cold cold cold."

"I know baby. I'm almost done. Later on today we can take a nice hot bath together. Christmas is in two days at least." I pressed a gentle kiss in between her shoulder blades.

"A bath sounds nice." Harlow sighed in relief as I rubbed her sides before tapping the side of her ass so she'd roll over.

I smirked at my work. "This makes me want to take you all over again." I teased.

Harlow whined.

"Don't worry babe. I was just teasing." I giggled.

"So what are we doing for Christmas?" Tate asked me as I sat with Harlow on the couch.

"My family and us are going to throw a party at the restaurant my grandparents own, but we will have our individual Christmas mornings." I answered with a small smile.

"I promised Emily that I'd stop by around one and just hang out with her for a little while. I've told her everything. The wolf thing and what matches are, and she is cool with it all. She just wants to go slow, and I'm okay with that as long as it means she is mine." Tate had a smile on his face that he meant to hide.

"That's adorable." I smiled at him which made his cheeks turn a faint shade of pink.

"Just don't initiate anything other than hugs and conversations. Let her take the steps if she wants to do so. Let her set the pace." For the first time since Tate knew Emily was his match, Harlow actually gave good advice which shocked both Tate and me. "Oh my god, calm down you two. I'm not always an asshole."

"Tell me to calm down again. See what happens." I taunted her, and she immediately regretted her choice of words.

"Sorry Mistress." Harlow looked down at her lap.


Tate came running into the house around one in the morning later on after having the conversation about him meeting up with Emily, completely out of breath and a panicked look was on his face.

"What's going on?" Harlow asked as she stood up and started to take her shirt off, getting ready to shift if need be.

"Something is wrong with Emily. I've got a really bad feeling. It woke me up. When I say something wrong I don't mean a panic attack; I mean she's physically in danger." Tate rushed out.

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