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POV: Demi

The next morning was quiet. She seemed overly awkward and shy. A little distant too even though she was in the same house as I was.

"Harlow, what's wrong?" I asked her as I drove us to school.

All I got was a shrug, so I pulled over on the side of the road.

"Harlow, I will ask one more time and only one more time. What is wrong?" I growled lowly.

"What you said last night, did you mean it or are you fucking with me?" She whispered in a submissive tone.

"I'm not fucking with you Harlow. I really do care about you. I care about you more than I should as a teacher if that says anything." I gave her a serious look.

She hesitantly nodded her head.

"I'll make sure I prove that to you." I patted her knee, but when as soon as I put the car in drive she grabbed my hand and played with my fingers in her lap after putting her feet on her seat.

"Thank you," Harlow whispered and I could see a small smile growing on her face out of the corner of my eye.

I simply smiled. I'd tell her not to thank me for something out of my control, but that would be taking it way too far and that would definitely make me lose my job, which is definitely something I can't afford. So as of right now, I will continue to deny that I have feelings for the wolf-like girl who is holding my hand.

I can only wonder what she thinks of me, or what goes on in her mind to begin with.

"How do you have the natural ability to calm me? You tell me to do something and I have the need to do it." Harlow asked just above a whisper.

"It's a teacher thing I guess." I shrugged my shoulders, but on the inside I was panicking.

"You have more control than a teacher." Harlow pointed out.

Fuck it. I might as well say it now. "I'm a dominant." I sighed.

"Oh, makes sense." She shrugged as if it didn't effect her, which means she doesn't care for a relationship with me.

"I hope that doesn't scare you." I mumbled as I stopped at a red light.

"Not even a little." She smiled over at me.

"Are you sure? It scares a lot of people away when they know I have so much natural control over them." I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"It doesn't scare me away. It gives me a sense of security to be honest. Something I know will be there no matter what happens." Harlow shrugged and looked back out the window.

Hearing that made me smile.


"Alright, today we are playing volleyball. To change things up a little, it's boys versus girls." I smiled as half of the class whined and groaned and the other half seemed confident.

"I'm going to kick your ass Jackson." Harlow smirked at her older brother from the other side of the net.

"Ladies get the ball first. Serve whenever you're ready." I nodded my head at Harlow as she set up for a spike serve.

I watched as she tossed it up and spiked it right at her brother who quickly set it for the guy beside him.

The first week of class is learning the rules of all of the sports we will play, so they all know what's going on and what are the do's and don't's of each sport.

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