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POV: Harlow

Demi just laid on my chest as she traced the tattoos scattered on my arms. We're supposed to get up and get ready for school, but it's just not happening.

"Is your normal hair naturally brown, or is it died to match your wolf's coat?" Demi looked up at me with curiosity.

"It's natural. It smells like wet dog whenever I'm in the rain though." I laced our fingers together.

"I like it. When you're in the sun it shines and I love it." Demi played with a random strand of my hair. "But you're right, you do smell like wet dog after you've been in the rain." She teased.

"People smell weird in the rain too. They just can't smell themselves or each other." I shrugged.

"What do I smell like in the rain?" She looked up at me with her eyebrows furrowed.

"I haven't seen you in the rain before. You've dealt with me in the rain numerous of times because of football, but I don't know about you."

She nodded her head before sitting up and stretching. "Time to get up babe." She patted my leg and I groaned in annoyance.

"I don't want to go to school today." I rolled over and pulled the blankets over me.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember giving you the option to stay in today?" Demi's voice held authority, and it took everything in me to stay in bed. "I swear to god if I have to count I'm going to turn your ass purple. Get up Harlow." She growled lowly.

My body was trying to get me to follow her orders, but I'm in the mood to test her.

The blankets were ripped off of me, and soon my pants and underwear. Without warning she rained hell on my ass.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I promise I'll get up and be good. I'm sorry." I begged her as she continued. I lost count at twenty.

"I. Told. You. To. Get. Up." Each word had a smack to come with it. "I am not in the mood today my little wolf."

"I'm sorry Mistress. I'll get up and be good." I whimpered as she continued to spank me.

"Oh I know you will be." She let out a chuckle as she grabbed something from her bedside table. I heard it hit her hand and I knew exactly what it was. The fucking paddle.

I yelled in pain and squeezed my eyes shut in attempt to keep my tears in.

She hit me time after time in the same spot till I couldn't take it anymore.

"Red! Red! Fucking red!" I sobbed into the pillow and heard the paddle hit the floor.

Demi mumbled a low "shit" as my body trembled in pain. Flashbacks threatened to enter my mind since it was so abrupt and in the morning. Fuck the mornings were the worst.

"Red red red." I whimpered as my body continued to tremble.

"I know baby. I know. I'm sorry. This shouldn't of happened like this. This was unstructured and uncalled for on my half. I'm sorry." Demi sighed to herself, pure disappointment in herself laced in her voice.

My hands balled up as much of the sheets they could get as the stinging still surged through me. It felt as if she was still raising hell on my ass.

The feeling of the cold lotion both soothed me and made me flinch at the sudden change in temperature. She was careful while rubbing it in, making sure to not press too hard. "I'll let you stay in bed for five more minutes for the pain to simmer down some. You did good baby, so good for me." She pressed her lips to my back in a few places which made me relax.

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