You Nasty Dog

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POV: Demi

After hours of searching and 63,900 dollars later, we finally found the perfect ring. It was beautiful, and definitely Harlow's style. She could wear it under her gloves, and the diamonds were secured safely, so no worries on any of them falling out.

 She could wear it under her gloves, and the diamonds were secured safely, so no worries on any of them falling out

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"She's going to love it, Demi. Don't worry." I got Tate's second opinion. He knows Harlow better than anyone. He is the reason she is alive today. He fed her when her family wouldn't.

"I'm so scared. She asked me to marry her, yes, but this is different. What if she doesn't want me to propose and only her? What if she turns the ring down?" I thought of every possibility that could go wrong, and Emily and my mom rolled their eyes.

"She's not like that. You've got her wrapped around your finger." Emily held her ring finger up to make a point.

"She's going to say yes, and if she doesn't I'll kill her." My dad gave me a look, but that earned a sharp growl from Tate since he took it too seriously.

"He was joking hun." Emily put her hand on his shoulder.

We lifted the last few things in place. My mom, sisters, and Emily did most of the decorating while Tate, my dad, and I just put things where they told us to. Everyone I love is here. Well, almost everyone.

"Here she comes." Maddison whispered. We were all out in the backyard waiting for her to come home from the gym. She is already fit and always will be with her genes, but she is weird and enjoys working out.

"What's all of this?" Harlow had a small amused smile on her lips.

Everyone stepped back from the center which is where I was, but Emily and Dallas slipped their phones out and started to video without Harlow noticing.

"Demi, what is going on?" Harlow took slow, cautious steps towards me. I was surrounded by lights and an all around beautiful set up that the three of us had been working on all day.

"Harlow, I love you with all of me." I started to speak and a tear escaped her eyes, and that almost made me cry. "You know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Start a family with you."

Harlow stayed a few feet back from me since she was slightly scared of what was going on. She kept looking over at Tate for answers, but he didn't budge.

"I don't know how else to say it, other than I want the feeling to be mutual more than anything, and I want everyone to know that you are mine, and I am yours just as much." I took a deep breath and got down on one knee as caught the ring box that Tate had tossed me since I didn't have pockets. "Harlow Luna Rouge, will you please marry me." I opened the box with shaky hands and rested my elbow on my knee.

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