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POV: Demi

"Why can't it be summer already so I can kiss you and hold your hand in public?" Harlow whined.

"Even once summer comes we will have to wait at least two weeks or else it would be suspicious." I sighed, knowing how much it bothers her and I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me.

"I know." She looked down at her lap.

"So are you going to do olympics or NFL? I know you don't want to go to college if you don't have to." I changed the subject.

"I like football more than I like running, so I was thinking the NFL. The New England Patriots offered me a two million dollar starter offer." She looked over at me. "They're my favorite team since they are from Boston which is where the actual lab facility was, but it's so far away from here. It's kinda like home for me."

"I could go for Boston." I shot her a wink.

"Wait, you'd come with me?" Harlow's face lit up.

"Of course I would." I answered as if there wasn't any other option, well in my mind there isn't.

"You won't have to work another day in your life." She smiled brightly. "We can keep this house though, so if we were to visit your family we could come here, or your family could have this one and I'd just pay all of the electricity bills and whatnot because with a house this big the bills aren't exactly cheap."

"I'll talk to them about it." I giggled at her eagerness. "What about Tate?"

"He's going to stay with Emily no matter what, and I don't blame him, but he promised to come to any game that is in a four hour radius since that's a one and a half hour sprint. There are two teams in a four hour radius too, so he'd be able to see me more than one would think. He also promised that him and Emily would fly up to us to come visit at least once every two months." The smile that was on her lips wasn't going anywhere and I loved it. "I talked to him about it all to see what I should do because I'd just stay here if I talked to you about it, but now that I know you will come with me I'm at ease now."

"What am I going to do while you are gone if I'm not working?" I raised a brow.

"Call me!" She gave me a cheesy grin.

"What about when you are busy?" I rolled my eyes.

"Make friends?" She answered with a question.

"Aren't you worried that I, a NFL player's girlfriend, wouldn't be all that safe and I'd have to worry about people using me." I pointed out and watched as it clicked in her head.

"That's probably why rich people are friends with rich people and vise versa."

I nodded my head.

"But you could always make friends with the other wives? But no dogs or cats. I'd fight them without noticing it." I watched as anger flashed across her face and I did my best to keep a giggle in.

"Can I get a monkey then?" I gave her a toothy grin.

"How about a fish or a finch?" She looked at me with regret, hating the fact that she brought up a pet.

"Nope, I want a monkey if I can't have a puppy." I smiled.

"Okay okay, you can have a puppy as long as it if a wolf-dog since it would respect me and not bark at me." Harlow sighed.

"Wait, really?" I perked up.

"Yeah, but with it being a wolf dog it would be huge, as in only a foot shorter than me. It would have to have a den-like bed like I have, and I would have to tame it in my wolf form. It has stronger wild animal instincts, so I would have to get to it on a personal level and possibly have to make it submit to me." She spoke like she didn't want one, but the more she talked about it the bigger her smile got. "And I'd feel more comfortable with you being home alone so much if you had a mini me who would always be in wolf form. When I say mini me I mean the overprotective and fluffy."

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