Birthday Present

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A/N: Mature. You're welcome. 😉

POV: Demi

I looked down at my work. Harlow was tied to the bed, not able to move an inch. There was a rope around each wrist and ankle that was tied to each bedpost, and two ropes holding her torso down. I had to do two with her strength.

"Please Mistress." Harlow begged me. She couldn't see a thing I was doing. A blindfold was tied snuggly over her eyes.

Her begging is music to my ears. Like a favorite song that you just want to put on repeat.

"I can't take it." She whined and tried to buck her hips up, but those too were strapped down to the mattress.

"I haven't even started and you're already begging. Such a slut." I chuckled sinisterly as I cracked the whip once so she knew what was coming.

Goosebumps rose across her skin at the sound. She was so wet her pussy was glistening from the light that hung proudly on the ceiling.

"Safe words before I do anything." I ordered her softly so she knows this is something I care deeply about and how important it is.

"Green is I'm okay and okay with what you are doing. Yellow is slow down but I'm okay as long as you do slow down. Red is stop because I cannot take whatever you chose to do to me any longer." Harlow spoke in a pant. All she wants right now is to feel the strip of leather strike her bare skin.

"Oh I'm going to mark the pretty body of yours up." I growled and cracked the whip again, relishing in the sound and echo that followed. "Who do you belong to?" I whipped her stomach harshly and she moaned loudly as she tried to arch her back, but she couldn't break the restraints any.

"You Mistress. Only you." Harlow panted. Oh how I love that sound.

I brought the whip down just below her hips. "Who does this body belong to?"

"You Mistress." She whined as I ran my hand soothingly along the skin I just struck.

"When you cum, who does that cum belong to? Why can't you cum when I tell you that you can't?" Each question had a strike to go with it, adding to Harlow's pleasure as she degraded herself, something I know turns her on. Especially when I lead her into it.

"It belongs to you Mistress. You don't want me to cum without permission because it is yours and my pleasure is yours." She took her lip between her teeth.

I slapped the side of her face. "Don't you ever bite your lip. I want to hear every moan you have in you tonight."

"Yes Mistress. I apologize." She did her best to hide the please smile from me smacking her face.

I moved down to her pussy, and by now she was dripping down onto the sheets. "Someone is enjoying me beating them, hmm?" I clicked my tongue once before raising hell on her stomach and legs.

Each strike caused an even louder moan than the last from her.

"Tell me what you want." I straddled her waist after tossing the whip somewhere in the room and stripping.

"Please fuck me Mistress." Harlow begged and struggled against the restraints.

I hummed, but ignored her pleas as I rotated my hips on her stomach. She cried out when I pinched her nipples as hard as I could.

"Fuck!" She whined when my hands stopped roaming her body. "Please let me taste you."

A moan slipped past my lips as I ground myself harder and faster against her hard stomach.

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