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POV: Demi

"Hello my little Harlow." Harlow's father smiled brightly. It was a psychotic smile though. The orange jumpsuit still clung to his body. Did he escape?

"Harlow isn't here today." One of the students furrowed his eyebrows at Harlow's father.

"That is Harlow. She's just in her true form." Harlow's father chuckled.

Everyone looked at him like he had fourteen heads.

"I'm serious!" Harlow's father growled before running at Harlow.

Harlow lifted her head out of my lap before standing in between her father and I in a protective stance. A loud growl erupted from her throat; it felt as if it shook the walls.

"My dearest daughter, why are you angered?" He stopped about three fourths of the way to me when he noticed that Harlow would not hesitate to kill him in front of everyone. "And my long lost son Tate, why did you bring her and yourself here today?" He turned to Tate who was ready to side line him from the wall next to us.

Tate stayed silent as he put his foot against the wall as something to push off of.

"Does anyone here believe me?" Harlow's father looked around with his hands up in the air in frustration.

When he got no response he pulled something out if his waistband, and before Harlow could get to him a shot rang out.

The next thing I saw was Tate side tackling their blood father to the ground and getting the gun out of his grasp before punching the shit out of him.

"Demi, get Low out of here!" Tate yelled to me, not once looking up from his attack on his father.

I ran to the brown coated wolf before pulling it to my office behind me. It was hard not to notice the crimson red fluid that followed the wolf as I dragged it's completely limp figure across the floor.

Tears pricked in the corners of my eyes at the sight, but I kept pulling till I got to my office and locked the door.

"Baby, wake up baby." I cried as I pulled her head to my lap, searching for the entrance wound that was hidden in her thick coat of fur.

"Left side, just beside my spine." Harlow mumbled against my leg.

I quickly rolled her over as a sigh of relief escaped my lips, knowing she is still alive.

"I need to go to a vet now. I have no human blood in me in the state. I'm completely wolf other than my brain. Please get me to the vet." Harlow begged me as she looked up at me with her now dull blue eyes.

My arms went underneath her, and I did my best to lift her, but she was too heavy in her wolf form. She's nearly 150 pounds of muscle.

"I've got her. I'll take her to the truck and put her in the bed of it if you can stay back there with her. I need you yo get one of the students or teachers to drive." Tate rushed into my office before scooping Harlow up with ease and then running out to the truck I took today.

Tanner met us in the parking lot and drove us to the nearest animal hospital.

"Ma'am, are you the owner of the wolf?" A taller woman approached Tanner, Tate, and I as we sat nervously in the lobby.

"Yes, how is she?" I stood up frantically.

"The bullet grazed her lung. There is quite a bit of fluid in it, due to the fact that there is blood in her right lung and there is fluid from other organs in it. The reason why I am out here is because I need to know if I can go ahead with the surgery. It's a costly one, and even with the surgery I do not know for sure if she will make it." The veterinarian looked at me with an empathetic expression.

My stomach started to turn. "Go ahead with the surgery. Her other owner has more than enough money to do it and I've gotten permission from her to let me use her debit card." I quickly rushed out. "Can I see her first?" Tears threatened to escape my eyes as my voice cracked.

"Yeah, follow me. Your friends are welcome as well." The vet waved for me to follow her, but I could sense where she was anyways. Damn mate bond is about to make the anxiety in my stomach eat its way out.

The vet opened a swing door to show the brown coated wolf that laid down on the silver table with a tube down its throat, an IV going on its front leg, and a pulse monitor clipped securely to its tongue.

"I'll leave you three be for a few minutes. We need to start the surgery as soon as the equipment is prepped and ready to go." The vet gave us all a bright, yet empathetic, smile on her way out the door.

My feet slowly carried me over to the table that Harlow laid on, as if she would disappear if I approached her too fast. "Baby," I whispered before pressing a gentle kiss in between her ears. "You've gotta make it through this. If you go, I go. I can't lose you." I croaked, doing my best to not lose it during the last few minutes I have with her till after her surgery.

"She's going to make it." Tate put his hand on my back before putting both of his hands over her lungs and taking a deep breath and exhaling. "If she dies, I die. It's part of the whole experiment thing." He whispered. "She has to make it, so she will."

Tanner gave me a brother-like hug before running is fingers once through Harlow's coat. "This is the first time I've gotten to actually touch her wolf. It's incredible." He whispered. "She's going to make it. She loves you too much to leave you here."

Tate hugged Harlow around the neck once before standing aside. "Harlow baby, I need you. More than you will ever know, so please... please pull through this. You are one of the strongest people I've ever met. Don't let this be the end of it all." I kissed her nose. "I love you, so so much. Please wake up at the end of this." I ran my hand over her eyes and in between her ears, it's always calmed her. "I love you."

"We're ready for the procedure." The veterinarian walked back in.

I kissed her once more before telling her I love her again. Tate then whispered something in a different language to her. Tanner just stayed quiet, but he is like her dad.

"We will let you know when we are done. It should be about two or three hours." The vet rubbed my back briefly as I walked through the swing door, behind Tate and Tanner.

I swear to fucking god Harlow. If you leave me I will resurrect you just to kill you myself.

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