Going for a Run

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POV: Harlow

I was a panting mess as Demi looked down at me with a smirk as I laid down on the bench in her office. School ended two hours ago. Yes, she's been doing this for two hours.

"Is my poor slut worn out?" Demi chuckled lowly and ran the cane-like stick down my stomach.

I nodded my head as I did my best to slow my breathing.

"Use your words or I'll keep going." She sighed in disappointment as she lightly flicked the cane onto my stomach.

"I'm worn out Mistress." I spoke in between pants. Yeah, I'm not going to be breathing right for the next year. I don't know why I try after what we just did.

"I'll give you a minute to gain the feeling back in your legs, because with the amount of shaking you were doing you most definitely cannot feel anything but jello right now." Demi flicked the cane against one of my legs once more before putting it back in her desk drawer.

I watched as she teased me by slowly putting her clothes back on and swaying her hips at every opportunity.


"Tate, did you take my steak I had in the freezer?" I groaned as I swung his mini house door open to see a freshly gutted deer in the shower. "That is disgusting T." I gagged at the smell.

"I didn't mean to grab it's stomach in my jaws. I meant to grab his lungs." Tate mumbled embarrassedly. "But no, I did not take your steak out of the freezer. I have fresh deer meat if you want some. If you want something of your own there are a shit ton of rabbits and foxes out back." He shrugged before turning back to his computer where he was looking up how to properly gut a deer. Go figure. He usually just eats it in the woods and then moves on. But with it being such a big kill, he won't waste that much.

"I'm good. Thanks for the offer though. I'll stick with my steaks." I put my nose into my shirt as if it would make a difference with my sense of smell. "I'm leaving now. Air this place out you nasty ass dog."

I closed the door behind myself before he could make another comment.

Can we go for a walk? Just walk. No run. Just walk?

'No, we are not about to walk the streets in wolf form. I am not about animal control or being shot at. I've dealt with both before.'

Match can walk us.

'That's weird.'

Oh please. You let her fuck you in her teacher office for two hours straight. I think we both know which one is weirder.

'Taking your girlfriend on a walk is definitely weirder.' I rolled my eyes.

In wolf form it isn't. Then it's taking me on a walk and I want to stretch my legs.

'Stop being dramatic and shut the hell up for once.'

"Harlow, I'm going for a run. Will you be okay here alone?" Demi peaked her head out of the sliding back door as I dragged my feet in her direction.

Perfect timing.

'Fuck off already!'

"Harlow?" Demi walked out to me and looked me in the eyes.

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