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POV: Demi

"I thought I told you specifically not to try to stay awake." I groaned at the sight of Harlow sitting up in bed, but was out cold against the headboard.

She was out like a light, but it was clear that she did her best to fight off the sleep.

I sighed as I moved her down the bed a little so she could lay flat. Not once did she stir.

As soon as I laid down on the mattress I was half asleep, so I quickly scooted over to Harlow and wrapped my arms securely around her.

"I love you my Little Wolf. Goodnight." I whispered and kissed the top of her head. Even though she's asleep, I will still tell her that every night.


"How did you come out to your parents?" Tate asked me out of the blue. Tate, Harlow, and I were all seated on the couch as we watched a movie.

"It's quite the funny story." I chuckled to myself as I pulled Harlow's back to rest against my front in between my legs. "My family and I were at the mall and my mom caught both my dad and I staring at this really hot girl, and yelled at both of us."

Harlow was losing her shit while Tate nodded his head once and sucked his lips in.

"Slow your breathing Harlow." I shook my head, regretting my choice of telling that story. "Alright Tate, who do you like?" I spoke over Harlow's laughter.

"W-what?" Tate stuttered out.

"Who. Do. You. Like?" I emphasized each word to get my point across. "Well, what guy do you like?"

"It's not a guy actually. I just wanted to get the conversation kicked off and I am very happy that I chose that route." He laughed a little. "You know the really quiet girl in Harlow's gym class?" He asked with a small, but genuine, smile on his face.

"Emily?" I raised a brow.

"That's her name." Tate smiled once he heard her name. "I love it."

"She was the one who I saved from the guy who was going to rape her." Harlow added which got Tate wound up.

"What?" Tate growled lowly as his eyes turned black.

"Breathe Tate. Nothing happened. I said that so you know that I have an unspoken connection with her. She hides behind me a lot and trusts me without speaking." Harlow calmed her brother down before he snapped. "Is she your match?"

"I think so. I'd have to make contact with her to be sure." He sighed. "I'm not so sure on how she'd take the fact that I'm half wolf."

"Let her fall for you and tell her when it's the right time. I promise you when I say this: once you fall for someone you really don't care about negatives unless they're going to kill you. By the way Harlow if you are going to kill me I'll kill you first." I teased before kissing her temple.

Tate hesitantly nodded.

"Don't get yourself worked up, T. The worst thing that could happen is that she absolutely hates you and she's gay. Don't sweat it." Harlow teased.

I popped the side of her ass since that's all I could reach as hard as I could from this angle. "Behave." I growled lowly.

Harlow whimpered in submission.

I kissed her cheek with satisfaction out of her nearly silent submission.

"When you wheel Harlow around tomorrow I'll have you join in on one of the games since it'll be an odd number of players with Harlow out, so take that as your chance. She's usually quiet, off to the side, and by herself. Wait for a ball to come at her or something and 'save her' from it." I suggested. "It's cheesy, but it's a start. Most would just let it hit her for not participating and then yell; other than Harlow though since she's so damn competitive and wouldn't lose a game to save her life." I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I can't wait for tomorrow then." Tate smiled brightly.

"I'd brush your teeth so the blood is off of them before you go in tomorrow. Your last kill is all over your teeth." I chuckled as he licked his teeth, tasting for blood.

When he found it his eyes got darker for a second before returning to their normal color.

"No wolf shit in front of Emily yet, so be careful with your eyes if you have any control over them." I warned Tate and he nodded twice slowly. "Time for bed everyone! Tate has a big day tomorrow, and we will be supporting him every step of the way. Isn't that right Harlow?" I spoke with gritted teeth so she wouldn't tease right now. She has no concept of the wrong and right times for jokes.

Harlow nodded her head and let out a quiet sigh.

Tate helped me get Harlow in her wheelchair so I could wheel her to the bathroom so we could shower.

"You know the rules. You face the other direction since your submissive ass gets worked up just at the sight of me naked." I teased with a chuckle as I helped her stand up out of the wheelchair.

"Yeah yeah yeah," Harlow sighed and slightly hung her head to pout.

"Only two more days in the wheelchair babe if you behave and keep your breathing slow." I tried to cheer her up a little, but my success level was low.

I wish I could fuck her senseless right here against the bathroom counter, but I have to wait. And let me tell you, it is the hardest task to keep myself under control.


POV: Harlow

When Demi saw Tate roll me into the gym her face lit up like a city at night.

"Hey baby," Demi greeted me with a smile. She spoke quietly, but she knows my hearing is outstanding so we use that to our advantage when we're at school.

"Hey," I smiled back.

As soon as I got closer to her she hugged me gently and kissed the top of my head.

"Tate and I have a plan. Volleyball today correct?" I raised a brow.

"Yes, it's Wednesday." Demi nodded.

"Tate is going to show off and piss the guys off by being better than them like I do so they aim at him. They often miss, so if he stands near Emily the likelihood of a ball being pelted her way is high." I smiled proudly as I told Demi the plan.

"I'll dive or something to make it super dramatic." Tate chuckled behind me as he adjusted the breaks on my wheelchair so I wouldn't roll everywhere.

"I won't make you do the warm ups if you don't want to, but you are more than welcome to show off on the pull-up bar or with speed. Harlow left the salmon ladder up too high so I have to get a ladder in here, so I can't suggest for you to use that." Demi rolled her eyes.

"I'll jump up and get it after all of the students leave and my lungs are healed completely. No need for a ladder especially when I'm the only one who is capable of using it." I gave Demi a convincing smile.

"I'll think about it." She glanced over at me, but snapped her gaze onto the door as students started to file into the gym.

When Tate saw Emily his face lit up, but he looked away so she wouldn't get creeped out.

Oh I so ship them.

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