Did You Honestly Think?

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POV: Demi

"Harlow?" I peaked my head in her room, searching for her.

I walked around the house some more.

"Harlow?" I called out a little louder.

My stomach started to turn. What if her father got out of prison somehow and took her? My hands fished my phone out of my pocket before going to the tracking app.

If I thought I was nervous before, I'm a wreak now. Harlow is at her house.

What is she doing at her house? She wouldn't go there willingly. I know that she wouldn't. Too many bad memories. If she went there voluntarily. She went there to do something she doesn't want me to know about. She wouldn't go back to get anything since she can just buy another.

My hands shook as I picked up my keys off the counter and headed out the door.

I dialed Harlow's number as I pulled out of the driveway in a hurry.

"Your call has been forwarded to an automated voicemail." Fucking hell Harlow.

I know she never checks her voicemail box, so it's not worth it.

My hands are fucking shaking from the amount of rage pulsing through each vein in my fucking body. Oh, I'm gonna kill someone.

"Harlow?" I called out to her as soon as I swung the front door to her house open. It was left cracked which worries me even more.

"In heeeere!" A long slurred out voice yelled from across the house.

She's okay, but she's being stupid. Deep breaths Demi. Deep breaths. "Where is 'in here' Harlow?" I growled lowly.

"Downs the steps!" A giggle and a hiccup soon followed.

I swear to fucking christ if she is drunk or under the influence of anything I'm going to kick her ass. She isn't even of age.

"Demi!" Harlow slurred out my name when my footsteps made the steps creak.

"Don't 'Demi' me. What the fuck are you doing?" I snapped at the sight of Harlow sprawled out across the bar island.

"Drinking my worries away!" Harlow giggled as she rolled off of the counter, but started to whine when she hit the floor. "Fuuuuck."

I sighed. She's too drunk to understand or remember anything I'd say, so it's useless at the moment. "We're going home. Get up."

"No alch at home. Alch here. Me stay here." Harlow patted the floor before rolling around in the empty beer bottles that are scattered across the floor.

"Harlow, if you don't get up right now I'm going to drag you out of this house."

"Harlow, if you don't get up imma drag you outta this house." Harlow mocked me as she slowly and unsteadily got to her feet. "You can't make me do shit." Harlow snapped as she looked me in the eyes.

"That's what they all say till their nose and a few other bones are broken." I smirked in attempt to get her to stand down. It usually works.

"Try me!" Harlow put her hands up in a defensive stance as she unsteadily wobbled back and forth and I rolled my eyes.

"Enough Harlow, you're drunk." I sighed as I shook my head.

"I'm not drunk! I'm just drinking! A lot of drinking!" She laughed before falling over from laughing too hard.

"Dumbass," I muttered under my breath. "We're going home, and if you throw up in the car you're going to be scrubbing it tomorrow."

Harlow simply laughed as I dragged her up the steps and out the front door.

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