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POV: Demi

I'm doing my best to make breakfast for Harlow since I kinda fucked her till four in the morning, but I just couldn't help myself. She's so fucking hot and she submits so well that it's addicting to keep using the control I have over her.

"Baaaabe," Harlow called out to me and I debated on leaving my cooking on the stove for two seconds, but I'm pretty sure what I am making could follow me to the room.

"Whaaaat?" I settled for mocking her since leaving whatever is on the stove alone is not a good idea.

"I know that you're trying to be sweet by cooking breakfast for us, but it smells like a fresh pile of dog shit." Harlow did her best to hide the smile in her voice, but her giggle that she tried to keep quiet.

"I know." I sighed and just turned the stove off before throwing the 'breakfast' away and quickly taking the trash out before the smell just got worse. "I'll go get you some breakfast."

"No need. I made some." Tate walked into the house with something that smelled like heaven. "Who wants cow meat from one of the guy's cows down the road with eggs and hash browns. I stole the eggs from him and some potatoes that he had harvested yesterday morning, so surprise?" He turned the corner with a huge platter of food, but there was blood caked down his chin.

"Thank you very much Tate, but please go wash that blood off of your face." I did my best not to gag at the sight.

Tate put the food on the table and then felt his chin. "Oh, sorry. I promise I didn't touch my face while cooking though. I also need to shave, but Emily doesn't want me to because she thinks it's cute." Tate smiled when he said her name.

"Don't shave it. You'll regret doing anything that your match doesn't want." Harlow yelled from the bedroom. The only reason why she yelled it was so I could hear.

I smiled, remembering all the times she had done what I wanted her to instead what she wanted to do even though I insisted she did what she wanted to do. She's stubborn as a bull.

"Demi, can you bring some food to me please? I don't think I can move a muscle." Harlow whined as I made two plates for us since I planned on eating in bed with her.

"Yes love." I giggled. "Thank you Tate. I appreciate it." I gave him a quick hug before walking into the bedroom to see Harlow in the same spot I left her.

"I have to pee." She stuck her bottom lip out.

"I can't carry you. If I could I would, but you're muscle and bones." I quirked a brow. "What do you want me to do?"

"Help me walk since you used a strap on for nearly two hours and now I'm sore as hell." She gave me puppy eyes. Those fucking puppy eyes. She's literally part wolf, so her puppy eyes are to the next fucking level of cute and adorable. Saying no to her puppy eyes is nearly impossible.

I sighed as I walked to the edge of the bed and did my best to carefully pull her over to me and help her get out of bed. I don't feel anything from the strap on, so it's easy to go overboard, but she never begged me to stop so I didn't.

Harlow stopped the car in front of a gate and then waved.

"Ah yes, Miss Harlow. We've been waiting for your arrival." A strong British accent came through the speakers beside the gate and they randomly buzzed before opening.

What the fuck is this? The white house?

I thought this was going to be a neighborhood, but it's just a long ass driveway with trees over us.

But when Harlow went around the last bend my jaw dropped. The listing pictures didn't do it any justice, because this place looks like a fucking castle.

Like, I mean really.

"Babe, this is a fucking castle

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"Babe, this is a fucking castle. I can't let you get me this." I looked at the building in awe.

"Well, you're my queen and will be treated as such. Also, we have three chefs who come three times a day, a gate monitor, several maids because I'm messy and so is Tate, and a butler who's name is Finnic and he's so gay that it's awesome." Harlow gave me a cheesy smile.

"Harlow, I will never be able to get you anything even close to this nice. Like, at the moment I could buy you a donut." I ran my fingers through my hair and jumped a little when a guy opened my door for me.

"I like donuts, and I made sure Finnic knows not to open my door for me if you're in the car or near." She shrugged with a smile before watching me hop out of the car.

I hesitantly walked over to Harlow's side and opened her door for her.

"Thank you," she gave me a smile as she slid out of the car. "Finnic, can you call my brother and tell him to meet us here please?" She turned, to who I now know as Finnic, and gave him a polite smile.

"Of course Miss Harlow." Finnic immediately went off to do as Harlow asked and then Harlow let me take the lead from there.

She had a wide smile on her face the whole time she let me tour the house. It's big enough to get lost in, literally.

Tate met us here a few hours ago to tour it with me since Harlow has already been here to see the house multiple times.

Now Harlow is helping me unpack my clothes into the drawers since the movers helped us pack and move everything today. We left the furniture that held no meaning and let it come with the house for whoever buys it. It came furnished which is great because only god knows how long it would take to find furnishings for each bedroom. Not like we'd have to do it though. I'm sure Harlow could pay someone to do it for us.

"I still don't know how I can pay you back." I broke the silence as I closed the last drawer shut.

"Keep being you." She kissed my cheek and went to walk away, but I grabbed her wrist.

"Harlow, I'm serious." I sighed and looked at the floor.

"I am too Dems. I love you, and I'm lucky enough for you to love me back. It's in my nature as part wolf to want to spoil you to the best of my ability and show my loyalty and love for you." She furrowed her eyebrows to show her sincerity.

"You have the money to control anyone, yet you let me have power over you. Why?" I looked up at her.

"Because you're my Mistress. You're my match. I was literally matched with you by chemicals, so we have literal chemistry. My brain is the key to your lock. I'm not letting you control me because it's what you want and my wolf half will need to make me want that as well. I'm letting you control me because I'm a submissive and you're my Mistress. Simple as that." Harlow gave me a sad smile, knowing how much her spoiling me is effecting me. I love it, don't get me wrong. It's just she is Harlow and Harlow is a wild card. Who the fuck knows what she'll buy next for me? No one. Not even me.

But I know the next thing that I'm going to buy her. Other than the donut of course.

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