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POV: Tate

Harlow and I's siblings left all too soon. They went back to the forrest, but with promises that they would stop by and visit whenever you could. I know it isn't good for them to be inside a house for that long. They aren't tame enough for that, but it's still painful to see them go.

Harlow and Demi are helping Demi's family move into the house so they can have it while Harlow and Demi are in Boston. It's Harlow's last week of school, so when the both of them are done they move. I'll miss my sister like crazy, but my match is here and I won't leave her. I won't be able to function if I'm that far away from her.

"T, are you going to hunt today?" Harlow snapped me out of my thoughts, and I made the mistake of not turning around. My head got pelted by an apple.

"Ow, why?" I winced and rubbed the back of my head.

"I want venison. Raw."

I snapped my head around to see Harlow's eyes a near black color. "Harlow, what's gotten into you?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I want raw meat. Give me the heart fresh out of its chest." She gritted her teeth.

"Go get one on your own. You can eat it while it's beating then." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Fine." She huffed and switched into her wolf form right on the spot. Completely ignoring the fact that she had clothes on that ripped to shreds when she switched. "I'll be back in a few hours." She mumbled and bolted out the backdoor that had an oversized dog door on it.

"Where is she going?" Demi came running down the steps.

"She said she wanted raw meat. A heart fresh from the chest of a deer. Her eyes were as black as my hair." I looked back at the door that Harlow bolted out of to see the dog door still swinging back and forth.

"Has she ever been like this?" Demi walked over to the back door and looked out the window, but no doubt she's deep into the forest.

"No, not that I know of. She's always had a mellow head when it came to tameness. It might be the fact that our siblings came around, but they had more control than she just had. She looked pure wild when I saw her eyes." I responded in a worried tone. I'm terrified of her right now. "I'd go look for her, but she's stronger and faster than me. If she were to snap at me I wouldn't stand a chance."

Demi mumbled a slur of cuss words as she paced the floor, but she abruptly stopped dead
In her tracks. "Can you reach out to any of your siblings somehow?" She asked as she turned to face me.

"I can howl for them, but I don't have a clue as to how far they have gone." I sighed as I walked to the bathroom to strip and shift before walking out onto the back porch. I let the howl rumble in my chest before letting it out and called out to my family.

I waited a few minutes before letting out another howl, only for the same thing to happen, which was nothing.

I walked back into the house to see Demi on the verge of tears.

"I'll go run deeper into the woods and howl some more and if I see Harlow I'll do my best to calm her down, but if she goes to fight me there isn't much I can do without getting killed." I sighed before trotting back outside and running into the woods.

Please be okay Harlow.

POV: Harlow

I hid deep in the brush as the deer grazed in the field. I can easily catch up to them even if they ran. I'm twice as fast.

But I want to play with my prey. I want to rip them to shreds as they continue to try to get away from me.

One of them looked around cautiously before going back to eating the grass beneath itself.

I bolted out of the brush and at the group of deer as I targeted the largest buck.

My jaws latched onto its right back leg and it fell to the ground as it cried out for its females to help him, but they were long gone by now.

I shook my head once, easily breaking the bone that was in between my haws before letting it get back up and try to get away, so then I did the same to the front leg and ripped its side up before finishing it once it tried to run again.

The blood dripped from my jaws as I look down at the nearly empty deer. The only thing left was its organs and it's carcass.

I let out a satisfied howl, but I quickly turned around at the sound of twigs breaking about fifty yards behind me.

My eyes locked with Tate as the rest of my siblings joined his sides. Our mother stepped through them to stand in front of all of them.

"Relax Harlow. You are going through a snap. Take some deep breaths." My mom cautiously stepped in my direction, but an involuntary growl erupted in my chest.

"Stand down." I snarled as I backed up once my siblings started to follow our mom. Not only am I outnumbered, I'm no longer the strongest. But I am still the fastest. I don't want to retreat, but I don't want to lose either.

"Harlow, this will pass soon. You had your kill and ate it. The blood drive will drop." My eldest sibling spoke calmly to me.

"Fuck off Peter." I growled and took a step towards them so they knew I wasn't scared. "I don't want to hurt any of you, so leave and I will return home when I am ready. Now leave."

My mom rolled her eyes before trotting up to me, not even flinching at my growls and snarls.

"Stop." I snapped my jaws at her.

"Stand down my child." She licked in between my ears, and my mother's touch immediately calmed me down.

I whined, not wanting to calm down, but I could not be angry anymore even if I wanted to.

"Now go home. Demi is worried sick about you." My mom turned to my siblings before speaking. "Tate, escort her home please. The rest of you head to the den. I will be there shortly."

I nodded my head before shamefully hung my head as I walked in the direction of the house and eventually picked up my pace to a slow run when Tate got to my side.

Demi is either gonna be relieved, still sad, or just all out pissed.

I'm not looking forward to finding out which one it is.

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