Her and Her Contagious Smile

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POV: Harlow

It's been two weeks since my family has been locked up, and since my family is wealthy and I paid the police to just let my seventeen year old self live on my own. Absolutely no foster.

I'd by lying if I said I'm still not emotionally hurting over the fact that my brother turned on me, but distraction has been working for me.

I smirked to myself as Miss Lovato called roll. I'm going to piss her off today. I'm in the mood to live up to my nickname today. The Rogue Wolf.

"Harlow Rogue?" Miss Lovato scanned the room and smiled when she saw me sitting in my spot on the gym floor.

I nodded my head before scanning the room for something that would piss Miss Lovato off. My gaze locked onto the pull up bar that you could lift up mid air and get it to the next level (salmon ladder; A/N: I absolutely hate it when my coach makes me do this thing. Look it up and you'll know why I hate their existence). Something that makes a whole hell of a lot of noise, and with her being short, once I get up to the sixth level she won't be able to reach me, and then I can stand on top of it. If I want to I can probably jump up and grab the rafters and then climb around up there.

Miss Lovato seemed occupied with calling roll, and when Coach Tanner walked in I saw my window of opportunity.

Coach Tanner had his back to me, and had Demi's full attention. With the pull up bar being on the other side of the gym, I'll be half way up before they can even turn around.

I quietly stood up and put a finger over my lips when one guy looked at me as I stood up.

Once I knew they were in deep conversation I started to trot over to the bar and the class started to talk, which helped my situation in a way. More sound to cover my loud ass footsteps.

My legs pushed me up off the ground, high enough for me to reach the bar that had been left up there all summer since no one has gotten it, due to the fact that it is so high up, and then started to use every muscle in my body to push myself up and put the bar in the next slot each time.

"Harlow, get down now!" Miss Lovato yelled from the other side of the gym.

"Just let her tire herself out. She's trying to be a pain in the ass, but there will be an 'oh shit' moment for her, which will be here soon." Coach Tanner stopped Demi.

I don't know why I even try to call her Demi, even in my thoughts, because it just doesn't sound right.

But anyways, I don't tire out. He should know that by now.

"She'll get hurt though." Miss Lovato snapped at Coach Tanner and quick footsteps started to approach me.

I quickly rushed to the top bar without pacing myself, and then pulled myself up so I was sitting on the bar.

"Harlow, get down now." Miss Lovato gave me a death glare, and I almost listened to her.

Because match is dominant and we like it.

"I am well aware of that, you idiot." I mumbled under my breath.

My hands shook as they fought to follow Miss Lovato's orders.

"Five." She started to count.

Coach Tanner brought everyone outside for Miss Lovato apparently since we were the only two left in the gym.

"Four." She looked up at me and put her hands on her hips. "Just have them do two warm up laps for me please." Miss Lovato sighed into her walkie talkie, and I'm assuming she's talking to Coach Tanner.

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