Cold Expression

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POV: Demi

Every time I would try to look at Harlow in the eye, she looked away. I have so many questions, but I know she won't answer them. She hasn't answered anyone.

Hell, she already has her cold expression back on.

"You guys know how the first day goes. Run a mile and then another every other week. Line up on the track." I did my best to ignore what just happened.

They all quickly lined up, and as soon as I blew the whistle Harlow was gone. Her legs were a blur when she ran. All of the others were at least thirty yards away within the first five seconds.

Each lap is a fourth of a mile, and Harlow was done with the first lap in one minute. That's olympic speed.

I watched as she pulled her shirt over her head after putting her brown hair into a bun, while running, which left her in only a sports bra as she hardly broke a sweat. Half of the guys were drooling over her abs, and the other half were jealous of her.

They can't look at her. She's mine.


I did not just think that.

Definitely not.

Harlow was finishing her second lap when the stopwatch hit two minutes and ten seconds. This girl has yet to stop running.

Even the fittest athletes have already stopped. Even Mr Egotistical.

While some were still working on their second, she was already halfway through her third.

She hasn't even slowed down.

"One more, Harlow." I smiled at her as I watched her cross the line again.

I didn't even worry about the other students since I knew that they weren't going to finish anytime soon, so I just watched as 'The Rogue' ran the track with ease.

"She's on my track team, as well as the football team. The fastest out of all of them by far, and the fastest I've seen anywhere. Not even other schools have someone even close to her speed. No one can hit twenty nine miles an hour and hold it for minutes. Her fastest mile is four minutes and ten seconds, faster than the fastest female record runner." A taller guy stood beside me.

"She's at four minutes and thirty seconds." I read the stop watch.

"That's because she is going easy. She has to show improvement in order to get an A in gym, so this is her going easy." He chuckled. "I'm Tanner by the way." He stuck out his hand for me to shake and I shock it to be polite.

"Demi." I returned, but focused back on Harlow as she was about to cross the line. "Four minutes and forty seconds." I read out loud as I wrote it down on the clipboard.

"I meant to take it easy. Not get lazy. Damn." Harlow groaned.

"Take another lap to cool off." Tanner instructed her and she simply nodded her head before jogging another lap while a few were just now starting their third lap. "She may have an attitude, but she's a damn good runner and a smart kid." Tanner sighed before walking away.

The second fastest run was five minutes and forty seconds. Harlow is a fucking beast when it comes to running.

"Free time after the mile, but you have to be doing something. There are footballs, basketballs, tennis balls and rackets, softball equipment, and some other stuff. Do not leave the courts or fields, other than that hab at it." I shooed them off and most of them cheered.

"Harlow, you're on my team." The school's football quarterback, Jackson, pointed at Harlow as he picked up a football with the other hand.

"Marco, you're the other team captain. Quarterback against backup quarterback." He smirked at Marco.

Marco glared at the upperclassman before picking his team.

"Hey coach Lovato, we need a ref. Do you know the rules?" Jackson asked me from the football field.

"Yeah," I nodded before jogging over to the students.

I can't get mad at the ones who are watching and not doing anything, because this is something I want to watch as well.

I watched as Marco's team punted it to Jackson's team.

One of the boys caught the ball before doing a touchback when he saw how close the other team was getting.

Once they all got set up, I noticed Harlow take an outside wing.

"Hike!" Jackson yelled and caught the ball and waiting for Harlow to get open.

She randomly stopped and when the guy who was guarding her tried to stop as well he fell face first, and Jackson already had the ball coming for Harlow. A perfect spiral.

Harlow saw one of Marco's team's defenders running at her, so she quickly received the ball before taking off down the field.

All they have to do is touch her, but she kept faking them out and or outrunning them all the way to her team's in-zone.

I blew my whistle and made the touchdown signal and ran down the field to watch for the two point conversion or the field goal.

Jackson seemed to be getting ready to catch it for the kicker, but I noticed Harlow standing a foot away from who she was supposed to be stopping.

"Hike!" Jackson yelled and Harlow took off behind him, caught the ball that he flicked to her, and then jumped over the boys who were shoulder to shoulder creating a wall.

Long story short Jackson just kept giving the ball to Harlow and having her run it down the field while everyone else guarded her so she could get it.

Jackson and her even did a Hail Mary and she still caught it over her shoulder as if she's been doing it since birth.

"Nice job out there, little sis." Jackson ruffled up Harlow's already messy hair.

"Not so bad yourself Jacks." Harlow nudged him in the side.

That makes sense.

"We're quite the duo. We know. I learned how to throw. She learned how to catch 'em with her wheels. So now here we are." Jackson smiled before picking up his sister by her waist and running around the field with her over his shoulder.

Harlow kept trying to get out of his grasp, but the whole time she was laughing while hitting him on the back.

What got him to drop her was when she reached back and pulled his underwear up as high as she could till he dropped her.

"I can't breathe." Jackson held his balls and rolled around on the grass.

Harlow did the same, but with her hands around her stomach, since she got the wind knocked out of her when she hit the ground.

"Don't even try to stop those two from doing shit like that, because it won't stop no matter who talks to them." One of the students told me as she walked passed me.

When Harlow looked at me with her brother's arm over her shoulder on the way back to the gym, her smile faded before quickly putting it back on.

Well shit.

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