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POV: Harlow

I watched my twin closely as he worked up all of the guys in the class by showing off his strength, reflexes, and speed. He isn't anywhere near as fast as me, but he is still faster than normal humans, and his stamina is higher than mine if that says anything.

Emily has a natural drawl to him which is expected and it's adorable. She is so shy, but she is hiding behind Tate like her life depends on it.

Tate started to mouth off with one of the guys who was on the other side of the net since he spiked one at Emily. It probably wasn't on purpose, but he still spiked one. Did it get in a five foot vicinity of her? Absolutely not. Tate dove to show off before it got anywhere near her, but it was going in her direction with a hell of a low of power and speed behind it. There was no way in hell she'd be able to dodge it in time. It was part of the plan to have Emily get accidentally targeted, but Tate was on the other side of the court after diving for the last ball.

"Tate, behave." I growled quietly and he heard my voice over the other guy yelling. I doubt anyone else heard me, but he did and his face softened. "Emily is right behind you. Don't scare her."

"Listen man, back the hell up and I won't kick your ass. I am Harlow's twin brother. You know how strong she is, and I am just as strong, so back the fuck up and I won't kill you for nearly giving Emily a concussion from spiking it at her that hard when she clearly was only standing in the court because she was told to." Tate did his best to keep his animalistic growls to a minimum as he gave his warning.

"Fine, fine." The guy put his hands up and backed up, but the smirk on his face told the story of what was going to happen next.

"Demi, stop the game." I looked over at her as she held the whistle between her teeth.

She walked over to me with furrowed eyebrows. "Why?"

"The guy Tate just got pissy with is smirking and I know he is going to spike it at Emily again, but this time on purpose, to fuck with Tate even more and piss him off so he fights him." I spoke quietly to her.

Demi nodded before walking back to the court. "Game over since we won't have time to play dodgeball if we don't end it now. If you want to play move the volleyball net to the side and line up where it was. If you don't want to play sit on the bleachers."

Within seconds Emily was seated five feet away from me on the bleachers, because like I said, she sees me as a form of protection and I don't mind it. The part wolf in me sees it as a compliment for someone to trust their safety in us.

Tate made sure he was on the opposite team of the guy and stared him down the whole time.

As soon as Demi blew the whistle, Tate ran to the line and pushed all of the balls to his team before the other team could even get close to the line, and by Tate doing that he pissed off the guy which Tate then loathed in.

The first person targeted was the guy, and he showed no mercy which is the nice way of saying he used his wolf strength.

The guy couldn't dodge it. Hell, it would be hard for me to dodge. He flew back a few feet before doubling over in pain.

"Tate!" Demi and I scolded at the same time.

"Sorry?" Tate winced at the sight of both Demi and me staring him down.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Come on pretty boy. Let's go!" The guy somehow managed to get up and ran at Tate.


I stood up, ignoring Demi's yelling, and got to Tate as quick as I could before he'd snap and kill him.

"Knock it off you two before I sit both of you down myself. You're acting like children." I glared at both of them as I felt my breathing increase. "This is not the way Tate." I muttered to Tate before turning to the guy. "You need to cool your jets before he does it for you. Take the L if you know what's good for you."

"He fucking pelted me with a dodgeball!" The guy yelled in my face, a bit of spit landing on my cheek.

"Okay, say it don't spray it." I wiped my cheek before putting my hand up in front of the guy as I did my best to keep calm so my breathing didn't increase too much. "I am well aware of that, and I apologize for his actions. I have just threatened my health over you two acting like you're still playing in the fucking sand box!" I yelled at the two of them.

They both bowed their heads in shame. "Harlow, sit back down." Demi came up behind me with the wheelchair.

"One second." I turned to her with pleading eyes for a split second. "Tate, go sit on the bleachers beside Emily. Guy who's name I still don't know, go sit on the bleachers on the other side of the gym with Georgia." I pointed at the different spots in the gym and they both pouted as they walked over to where I told them to go, but Tate was faking it. He was secretly flipping out inside. I then sat back down in the wheelchair.

"I wish I could be mad at you, but I know I can't defuse Tate like you can." Demi mumbled as she wheeled me over to where I was to see Emily comforting Tate and thanking him for stopping the ball from hitting her.

The ship has set sail.


"Stay there and don't move." Demi growled at me and left the room. The sound of the front door opening and closing made anxiety claw at my stomach.

What I did was smart mouth her and then got in a fight with Tate, because of what happened with him and the guy and what could've happened, which turned into a fist fight which made my breath rate increase. This is the only form on punishment Demi can give me right now, so she's going to use it to the best of her ability and stretch it as much as possible.

It's been at least four and a half hours and I have to fucking pee. I've been staring at the bedroom door and have been praying that she'd walk back in, because like I said, I have to fucking pee. But I have to sit here to please Demi. I'd do anything to please Demi. I can't go against her wishes.

"I'm home my Little Wolf." Demi sang as she walked into the house. "You better be where ai left you."

I kept quiet, knowing I don't have permission to talk.

When she walked into her room her face lit up. "My Little Wolf was so good for me, wasn't she?"

I nodded as I squirmed in my seat in slight pain.

"Do you have to use the bathroom?" Demi asked me with an amused smirk.

I nodded my head frantically.

"Go ahead. You need to walk now anyways." Demi let me go and I got up without a second of hesitation.

"I'm proud of you my Little Wolf. You did good today." Demi smiled brightly as she helped me out of the shower.

"Thank you Mistress." I smiled back, but winced when I turned a certain way. "Yup, still sore."

"Let me dry you off. Stop trying to be independent." Demi lightly swatted my shoulder to scold me.

"Sorry Mistress." I bowed my head in submission and stood still as she dried me off.

"Arms up." Demi instructed as she slid one of my sweatshirts over my head. "Shorts or just underwear?"

"Just underwear." I smiled a little.

We laid in bed and she had her arms around me securely and in a way of showing her ownership of me.

"You've had a big day today. You need to go to sleep my Little Wolf." Demi kissed the top of my head.

"Yes Mistress. Goodnight, I love you." I mumbled against her bare neck, my lips grazing her skin as I spoke.

"Goodnight baby girl. I love you too." Demi pulled my head back enough for her to kiss my lips with passion. "Now sleep." She mumbled against my lips as she let me nuzzle my head back in the crook of her neck.

I took one more deep breath of her in before letting myself drift to sleep.

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