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POV: Harlow

I got over my bitch phase and forgave Demi. She had a bad day, and she apologized so I can't keep holding a grudge. Plus, Emily and Tate are taking Demi to go 'apology shopping' for me while I go get the ring.

Emily may be shy, but she is clever.

The ring was beautiful. It was expensive, which I expected because she has expensive taste. I wouldn't have to play football if Demi had a cheap taste, but it's okay. I enjoy it. I've got another two months before I go in for training. Some other teams are fighting to get me from the Patriots, but they aren't letting go till they see me in person according to them. They don't know how much I am worth, or if I'm so good that they want to keep me.

I'm pretty sure my debit card cried when I out the chip and pin in, and the jeweler knew she scored big with the sale since she was quick to bag everything.

Meanwhile I have absolutely no idea how to propose, let alone be a wife. Emily was giving me ideas, and Tate just nodded here and there, but when he thought something was too cheesy for me he'd stop her. Luckily her parents gave me permission. Well, her mom slapped her step dad when he went to say something, because her mom likes me and he dad hates me.

I hid the ring in the car jack compartment in my truck before heading inside for the 'apology' gifts.

"Baby you're back!" Demi jumped into my arms as soon as I closed to door behind myself.

"Hi my love." I wrapped my arms around her. "Where did Tate and Emily go?" I looked over her short figure to see the room empty.

"They went to her parent's house to go eat." She kissed my jaw and then walked excitedly to the bags upon bags upon bags of things. "I spent your money to get you gifts!"

"Oh, look how that works." I laughed as she went through all of the clothes she was going to make me wear and other things such as a new laptop and whatnot.

"If I don't do it now, I will chicken out." I whispered to myself as I grabbed it out of the compartment of my truck. When I got inside Demi was on the couch watching TV with popcorn in her lap.

She had a small smile on her lips as she watched her favorite show.

"Hey Demi, can I talk to you?" I was sweating in my shoes.

She quickly paused the TV in a panic. "Yes, is something wrong?" She quickly got in front of me.

"No, nothing is wrong. I just," I took a deep breath, "you know I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I want to have kids and grow old with you. I know if I don't do this now I will chicken out, and I would rather me do this more genuine and not so cheesy."

Demi looked petrified at this point.

"Demetria Devonne Lovato, I love you with all of me." I got on one knee, something I never thought I would do, and reached in my back pocket for the box. I heard a gasp escape from her, and I opened it before looking up at her. "Will you please, please marry me and become my wife." I begged her and she cried. I got no answer. What is wrong? Does she not want to marry me? Has she changed her mind about our future? Is it too soon?

"Yes! Of course yes!" Demi screamed and I slipped the ring on her finger, perfect fit.

"You scared me there for a second." I let out a sigh of relief and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close.

"Of course I'll marry you you idiot. I was waiting for you to pop the question." She almost laughed with her smile so big. "You got the exact one I wanted! How did you know everything?" Demi looked at the rock on her hand.

"Emily was a mole in the whole operation

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"Emily was a mole in the whole operation." I winked at her.

"I was wondering why she wanted to look at rings and made me try them on too." Demi shrugged it off before I saw the look in her eyes. The look where my knees get weak and I'm putty in her hands.

"I love you." I whispered against her lips.

"I love you more." Demi took a deep breath in of my scent before giving her order. "I expect to see you in submission on the bed in two minutes."

I ran down the hall and to our room.

I love her, and now she is going to be my wife.


POV: Demi

"So how cute was it?" My mom asked me as we took a girls day with my sisters, her, and I.

"She teared up and everything. She didn't do anything too special because she would chicken out, so she got down on one knee in our living room, but the security cameras have all of it on video." I smiled as I looked at the rock on my hand.

"Holy hell that is a big rock!" Dallas looked at my hand for the first time. "Where can I get me a man with money?" She sighed to herself.

I rolled my eyes.

"You know you have to get her a ring now right?" Madison added, not looking up from her food. "You are both girls, therefore both need a ring."

"Maddy is right." My mom added. "I suggest something a little more flat and simple though. If you want her to fit it under her football gloves, you need to get something like a wedding band, but with more diamonds."

"I don't have that kind of money." I ran my fingers through her hair. "And I don't want to use Harlow's money for her own engagement ring."

"It's not like she checks the bank statement every day. She's loaded. A few thousand dollars won't break the bank." Dallas responded with a 'really' look. "I say we go ring shopping now."

"I'm in!" Maddy got all excited. "Just don't ask me to pay."

We all laughed and before I knew it, we were in a ring store.

Oh dear.

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