Eye Opening

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POV: Demi

Seeing Harlow nearly rip that man to shreds was... eye opening to say the least. To know the love of my life is capable of doing that to someone with such ease... it's terrifying. She stopped as soon as I told her to, yes, but she still elongated her claws just so she could stab him.

"I showered and smelled my hands for blood and I can't find a trace." Harlow caught my attention. "I'll sleep in my bed." She mumbled before walking out of my doorway and all was left was the sound of her bare feet walking across the hardwood floors.

If I want to be in the same vicinity as her right now, I'll initiate it and she knows that. She's distancing herself from me, but giving me direction so she's not acting cold.

She's just being careful around me. I mean, she's probably imagined being in my shoes and seeing what I just saw, and that alone probably got her to keep her distance from me.

A knock on my window got me sitting up. I wasn't sleeping, but I've been staring at the ceiling for the past few hours.

"Hey, Demi, it's me." Tate's voice echoed through my room as he crawled in through my window. I could smell the strong men's shampoo slash body wash from five feet away. Thank god he showered in his house like Harlow did. I didn't want the blood in my house.

"Hey," I gave him a fake soft smile.

"I know Harlow is okay, but are you okay? Because no doubt what you saw was mentally scarring." Tate spoke softly and quietly, careful not to wake up Harlow even though her room is a few doors down and our doors are closed.

"I'm alright. I'm not gonna lie; what I saw tonight scared me, and knowing that my girlfriend was the one who did it is terrifying. I know you guys aren't normal, but as someone who is it's not exactly something I see everyday." I sighed and ran my fingers through my messy hair.

"She texted me saying that you were probably gonna break up with her." He mumbled in pain for his sister.

"What? No! I would never break up with her!" I whisper yelled. "What made her think that?"

"It isn't everyday you watch someone you love rip someone else to pieces." Tate shrugged as he sat down on the edge of my bed.

"True, but it's not everyday you meet the person you are destined to be with for the rest of your life." I shrugged. "I'm not exactly a pansy with a weak stomach. All is okay Tate. You've had a long night. Try to go and get some sleep." I nodded my head towards the door.

"Nah, I'll just crawl back through the window. It's more fun." Tate shot me a quick smile. "Thank you Demi, for everything you do for her."

I simply smiled in return, knowing that everything Harlow does for me is no comparison.

My body didn't relax back into the mattress like I had hoped, instead it did what I expected. I kept leaning to get up without even noticing. Each time snapping out of it and realizing what I was doing.

I'm not going to sleep without her in my arms. I know I won't.

Does that mean I'll go to her and hold her though? No, it means I don't sleep tonight because I'm still scared of her as if she's some monster. When in reality she's a big puppy.

"Fucking hell, why do I try?" I muttered as I angrily tossed the blankets off of my legs before swiveling them to the side of the bed and placing my feet on the cold hardwoods.

I muttered a slur of cuss words as I found myself walking towards Harlow's room, and soon walking through her door, stopping at the foot of her cave-like bed.

I took a deep breath before crawling beside her and getting under the blankets before pulling her to my chest. A sigh of relief escaped her chest.

"You can't sleep either?" Harlow mumbled in her tired voice. It's raspy and hot as fuck.

"Nope, not a wink." I spoke in a soft tone. I was nowhere near as tired as Harlow, but with her now being in my arms I was quickly catching up.

"I apologize for what you saw today. I wanted to keep that part of my life from you, but as you know I didn't do too great of a job. I've killed all my life; well, Tate and I have. After having no food and living meal to meal ever since I left the scientist's lab, we had to kill for food. No, we didn't eat people, but we ate whatever they had, whether that be a meal they just bought, or the contents of their fridge. We never killed someone with a family or someone completely innocent. We killed those who killed others and did other inhumane things to others, such as sexual assault and abuse. I know that doesn't necessarily justify Tate and I killing them for their food, but that is the reason as to why we did." Harlow let out another breath once she was done talking. Her figure rolled over in my arms.

"I'm not scared of you Harlow. I was scared and shaken up over what you are capable of. Tate told me you thought I was going to break up with you, so I wanted to clarify that I would never break up with you. Not once did the thought cross my mind." I kissed the back of her shoulder. "I love you far too much for that."

Harlow rolled over in my arms to face me. "Do you mean that?" The moon shined into the room just enough to light her cave-like bed enough for me to see her knit her eyebrows together.

I ran the pad of my thumb over the wrinkles till she relaxed her face. "Yes, I mean that Harlow baby. I love you more than you'll ever know. I am your mate after all." I smiled.

"I love you too. I just don't want you to feel like you have to stay with me because you're my mate. I don't want you to feel obligated to stay." Harlow whispered and looked away from my eyes.

My hand cupped her chin and made her look me in the eyes. "Harlow, if I wanted to leave you I would've done it already. If you ask about it again you're going to get punished." I shot her a wink, but she knew I wasn't joking and let the conversation drop.

"I may be able to sleep now that you are here." She whispered as she nuzzled her face in my neck. "You keep it so cold in the house at night."

"It automatically drops to sixty-five at eight, because I don't want to get hot when we cuddle at night." I shrugged, but hid my embarrassment by resting my chin on top of her head so she couldn't see my cheeks turning red.

"That is adorable." Harlow chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. "Just go to sleep. I love you." I pressed a kiss to the top of her head before nuzzling my face against her.

"I love you too." I could feel her lips form into a smile against my skin.

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