Merry Christmas

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POV: Demi

Harlow reached for her phone and furrowed her eyebrows at the screen.

"What's up, love?" I questioned as she began to type away.

"Tate was letting me know that Emily is okay and back at her house before her parents noticed her disappearance, but he thinks they caught a glimpse of him in wolf form, because he heard a terrified scream and then some loud banging. Not gun shots, but as if someone was trying to scare an animal away." She typed a few more messages before putting her phone back down onto the table and curling back into my side.

We're supposed to head over to my parents house here soon for Christmas Eve dinner and some games, but then head back later home because we're going to open up our presents Christmas morning for each other since I know Harlow and Tate go all out when it comes to this kinda stuff, so it's gonna be more than my patents house can handle with everyone else's gifts there.

"I need a shower before we go. I still smell traces blood on my arms and stomach." She sighed, not wanting to leave my grasp.

"I'll come with you. I'm not going to have sex with you. I'm going to help you because I haven't gotten to touch your skin without sexual intimacy in the past twenty four hours and it's bothering me." I kissed her forehead before standing up off of the couch and extending my hand out to her to help her up off the couch.

Of course with her being the naturally over romantic person she is, she kissed my hand before accepting my help to get up.

"You're so cheesy." I teased as I led the way to the bathroom.

She chuckled lightly as she followed. "We still haven't had that bath." She hesitantly drew out her words.

"Looks like we need to have that bath then." I shot her a wink over my shoulder.

"Only sex if it absolutely pleases you, Mistress." Harlow winced at the thought. She's still super sore.

"You have my word, Harlow. Now strip while I get the bath going." I kissed her lips once we got into the bathroom and I locked the door behind us.

POV: Demi

My parents have forced everyone (mainly Harlow because she's never seen any of them) to watch Christmas movies, and at the moment we're on number six.

Harlow was half asleep with her head in my lap as I played with her hair.

"Hey mom, I think we should head on home because she's exhausted." I whispered to my mom so I wouldn't disturb Tate, Dallas, Maddison, my grandparents, or my dad while they watched the movie.

"Go on home. This is going to be the last movie anyways because everyone needs to go to sleep." My mom kissed my forehead before letting me wake Harlow up since her eyes were now closed and her breathing has slowed.

"Harlow baby, wake up. It's time to go home." I rubbed her arm gently, but all she did was snuggle even closer to me. "Come on babe, wake up so we can go home." I sighed.

"I'm tired." Harlow whined, but didn't bother to open her eyes.

"Get up Harlow. I will not tell you to again." I slid out from underneath her.

She whined, but still got up. Smart.

"Bye everyone. We will see you tomorrow." I waved to everyone and hugged my mom and sisters. My dad is still in a mood with Harlow being here, and I'll see Tate soon.


POV: Harlow

"Babe, babe, babe, wake up!" I was in my wolf form for shits and giggles as I jumped on her over and over again, mainly with my two front legs.

"Go away, Harlow." Demi rolled over onto her back and pulled the blanket over her more.

"It's Christmas! Get up!" I kept jumping on her. "Come on! It's my first one! Get up!" I'm sure I sound like a child, but I'm excited to show her what I got her.

"You are so lucky I love you Harlow." Demi growled as she threw the blankets off of her and got out of bed. "Why are you in wolf form? I want to kiss you." She squinted her eyes at me.

"I'll shift." I giggled as I shifted in front of her; only wincing once when my neck snapped into place.

"That's still disgustingly painful." Demi cringed, but then raked her eyes up and down my bare body. "But the outcome is hot as fuck."

I chuckled as she laced her fingers in my hair to bring my head down to her level before attacking my lips with hers.

She gave my bare ass one good slap before pulling away. "I'd go so much further, but it's your first Christmas and you can't be limping around for the rest of the day."

I involuntarily whimpered at the loss of contact.

"Go get dressed. With you yelling as loud as you did Tate is probably awake." Demi made sure to sway her hips with every stride to tease me. "Oh, and before you ask. Yes, I'm going to tease you all day today, but it's just to make tonight's present even better." She shot me a wink over her shoulder.

I groaned and scuffed myself across the floor to where I left my puddle of clothes beside the bed.

"Babe, I can't accept another present. You've already given me over ten grand worth of presents." Demi groaned and sat back into the couch.

"Come on. It's the last one. Just open it." I gave her the smile I know she can't say know to.

Demi let out a loud sigh as she opened up the envelope wrapped in wrapping paper.

I watched her face closely as she realized what it was.

"You did not get me a fucking house!" Demi stood up and looked down at me as I sat criss cross on the floor by her feet since she was playing with my hair.

"I did." I nodded my head and gave her a cheesy smile.

"I can't accept this baby." She sighed.

"Well, it's paid for in full and it's in your name because with money I have connections." I shrugged. "It'll be all by itself if you don't occupy it."

Demi started to tear up and then she practically tackled me after falling into my lap.

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her.

"Thank you baby." She kissed my temple and then kissed my forehead repeatedly before kissing my lips.

"I love you so, so much my Mistress." I whispered into her neck.

"I love you to my beautiful girl." She attacked my lips with hers, but then Tate obnoxiously cleared his throat. It didn't stop us though. Demi and I just flipped him off and continued.

I somehow pulled away for a breath. "You can't act like you wouldn't do this with Emily, so knock it off, T."

Demi's family's Christmas went by pretty fast present wise. I got everyone at least two gifts, except Eddie. He only got one and it was a five-hundred-dollar gift card for gas, so it's a necessity, but he can't spend it on anything else. I got Maddison a new laptop and about five-thousand-dollars in cash. I didn't count it.

At the moment though, Demi has told me to sit and wait for her to come back out of the bathroom and then I get my night present.

She knows how much of an effect she has on me, therefore she is taking her sweet time.

"Don't look at me yet. Lay on the bed and get ready to be tied at each bedpost after stripping." Demi's voice snapped my out of my thoughts and I immediately followed her orders.

I'm in for a very, very long night.


A/N: I honestly thought I had published this yesterday, but apparently I didn't hit the button. So here it is one day late, Merry (late) Christmas guys, and if you don't celebrate it I hope you are having a great day!

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