It's a Wolf Thing

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POV: Harlow

How is so chill with this? One, her girlfriend's older brother tried to rape her, two, her wolf-hybrid girlfriend and her wolf-hybrid brother saved her, and three, her wolf girlfriend went and killed her blood brother.

Tate is my real brother in reality. My parents had twins after Jackson, and they handed both of us over. Tate just ended up getting more effected by the wolf blood injections, so he is in wolf form more than he is in human form.

"Tate, where do you live?" Demi asked as we got in her car.

"The woods." Tate shrugged.

"Do you have anywhere to call home?" Demi turned in her seat to look at Tate who sat awkwardly in the backseat.

"The woods is my home. When I'm in human form, which isn't often, I'll just walk around till I shift back and can hunt. I have a small cave not too far from here." Tate gave Demi a small smile.

"What if we got you like, an air conditioned mini house and put it in the backyard of my house? That why you will always have somewhere to call home. With the hurricane that is coming soon, I don't want you to stay in the woods during it." Demi gave him a stern look. The same look that I cower to.

I couldn't help the smile that started to grow on my lips as she started to care about my brother too. My brother.

"I can't ask you to do that ma'am." Tate put his hands up.

"Then it's settled. You'll have a nice, safe, and comfortable shelter in the backyard of my house so you don't feel anxious about coming inside." Demi nodded at him before turning back around in her seat and shifting the car into drive, pulling out of the parking space, before lacing her fingers with mine. "Does it run in your family to be stubborn and not accept help?" She teased.

"Yes actually. It's a wolf thing. If we fail to take care of ourselves we feel as if we cannot take care of our mate, family, and pack. Tate and I don't have a pack obviously, but most normal wolves do and that's what runs in our blood." I chuckled as I rubbed the back of her knuckles with the pad of my thumb.

"Tate, you don't have to stay in the house till it gets built, but you are more than welcome to." Demi looked at him through the rearview mirror.

"Thank you for the offer, but it is hunting time for me." Tate gave Demi a small appreciative smile.

"Is there somewhere I can drop you off? The best place to find meals?" Demi had a genuine voice of care and curiosity, and it honestly made me so fucking happy.

"I cannot ask you of that ma'am." Tate shook his head.

"T, you might as well tell her, because she won't give up." I chuckled, but that earned a smack on the leg.

"Then across from the park. I want to apologize for not being there for Harlow that night at the park. I couldn't get to her without the man noticing and possibly killing me. I could smell gunpowder on him, so I think he may have had a gun, and if I brought attention to myself it would've put Harlow in danger as well. I was watching her though from the edge of the woods." Tate quickly rambled off.

"So I did smell you that night." I looked back at him.

"Yeah, I figured you did since I was trying to give off as much as possible." He nodded with a smile.

"I appreciate you looking after her Tate." Demi smiled back at him, and before we knew it we were at the park. "I want you to come back to my house when the sun is coming back up so we can plan what your mini house will be like. If you don't come on your own I will send Harlow, and Harlow knows better than to cover for you or it won't end well for her." Demi have me a knowing look before smirking as I quickly and nervously nodded.

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