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POV: Harlow

I just kissed my teacher on the top of her head. I just fucked up is a quicker way of saying it.

You should just tell her. You lied.

"I didn't lie!" I snapped at the voice in my head.

Oh, you're right. You just didn't tell the whole truth. Bitch no, you fucking lied to Demi. We like Demi. We cannot lose Demi like we lost our previous match.

"She isn't our match. She is out gym teacher who has taken us in because my father is a dick." I shook the thought and tried to finish my shower in peace.

What would Momma wolf say right now?

"She isn't here." I growled lowly and quickly rinsed the shampoo out of my hair.

That's right, because some lowlife human shot her and killed her right in front of us, but your weak ass didn't even go to kill them. You're a sorry excuse for a wolf.

"Probably because I'm not a wolf. I'm a seventeen-year-old student who is only good at sports." I almost punched the wall out of pure frustration, but I don't want Demi to think I'm some psychotic bitch with anger issues. I am, but I don't want her to know that.

And getting attached to people.

"Why won't you just leave me alone?" I pulled at my hair and crouched down while screwing my eyes shut as tight as possible.

As soon as they put that first injection in I've been here, and I hate to break it to you, but I'm not going anywhere.

"Why tell her about something that only happens once every couple of months?" I just wanted the voice to stop.

Because she will be with us for the rest of our lives.

"She's my teacher. As soon as I go to college or wherever I go, I will never see her again." The thought shot pain through my whole body. It was a pain that I had never felt before.

No, Demi likes us. Demi likes us lots.

"I'm done talking about this." I groaned and stood back up before looking at the ceiling.

You can only run from the truth for so long Harlow.

"Fuck off. I'm tired of your bull shit." I quietly growled so Demi couldn't hear.

I'm so done with this shit. They put the blood in me, and now I have to deal with it for the rest of my life. The voice tries to make it a big deal that I have to run for miles and miles without stopping during a full moon or two in summer and a full moon in winter. It's early fall, so I'm not worried about it, and I won't stay here much longer.

I've gotten my crystal blue eyes from the gene injections, but on the nights I have to run my eyes turn completely black, I lose control, I attack, and I kill whatever moves. My canines grow longer those nights, and my nails get stronger and longer. Almost like wolf nails, but she doesn't need to know all of it.

"Are you okay Harlow? You've been staring at your bowl for ten minutes?" Demi whispered beside me.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a little tired is all." I gave her a small smile. "I'm not very hungry. The food was good though." I put my plate away before walking to her room and hesitantly laying down on the bed.

"You know I don't believe that shit for a second, Harlow." Demi sighed as she walked into her room.

"I know, but I don't want to talk about it." I whispered.

"That's all you have to say, Harlow." The mattress dipped and a set of arms laced around me.

I smiled at the contact.

She trusts us. She likes us back.

"All she is doing is holding me." I almost whined from wanting to give up. The voice haunts me more than anything.

"Your heart is racing? Are you okay?" Demi spoke up. "I can literally feel your chest vibrating."

"Yeah, the genes are just acting up is all. They do this at night." I nervously chuckled.

Boldface lie.

I took a deep breath and took a moment to appreciate the fact that the woman I am falling for's arms are wrapped around me.

"Can you turn around?" Demi whispered.

I nodded before hesitantly rolling over to see her looking at me with her two brown orbs.

"Can you hold me too?" Demi nervously avoided eye contact.

I nodded and went to open my arms up, but she gently pushed my shoulder back so I was on my back and she practically laid on top of me. I'm in heaven. This is it. I'm definitely in heaven.

"What do your tattoos mean?" Her soft fingers started to trace my tattoos that covered my arm.

"Each one is another memory of when I was younger. The silhouette of the wolf pups in the moon was the litter I was raised with. They'd let us play outside in fields for hours with the litter's mother. The wolf's face that is on my inner right arm is the litter's mother. She raised me as her own, as if I wasn't any different. I knew I was different. I just didn't know how. She was my mother in a way as weird as it sounds. Yeah, she was a wolf, but her motherly instinct was just like any human mother's instinct." I smiled when I started to think about all of the random shit the pups and I would do to tease her and piss her off.

"What happened to her?" Demi whispered and looked up at me.

My heart stopped. Tears threatened to escape my eyes, but I fought them off like I have for years. "She died protecting me."

"How, if it isn't too much to say?" Her voice became softer and more caring.

"My father asked them to just kill me since I wouldn't be worth it anyways, so when the guys came in with the gun, she attacked them. She killed one of them, and nearly killed the other. Then when they went to point the gun at me, she jumped in front of me. Wolves don't usually live twenty years, but since the scientists wanted a stable environment they made sure they'd all live as long as I did, but they took that from her. The other pups were killed, except one that got away. He was the runt, so he was small even after years of growing. They said he ran off, but there was no way he'd be able to care for himself in the wild." I took a deep breath. "It's weird for normal humans to hear this, but it's like losing your mom or your brothers and sisters. It hurts just as much." I mumbled. I hate talking about this, but she just draws it out of me.

"I'm sorry." Demi whispered before hesitantly kissing my cheek.

"It's okay. We were all just disgusting mutts anyways." I shrugged.

"You're not a disgusting mutt Harlow. You're beautiful inside and out. I don't care what everyone else thinks. I know you're beautiful." She traced the tattoos on my arms which left a trail of goosebumps wherever she ran her fingers.

"You're about the only one who thinks that." I let out a emotionless chuckle.

"I'm just the only one who will tell you, and if you don't believe me now I'll tell you everyday till you believe me." Demi huffed.

A breathy laugh escaped my lips before I let myself fall asleep.

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