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POV: Tate

It's kinda funny to see my sister so vulnerable with Demi. With anyone else, if you look her in the eyes for a split second you'll get fucked up. With most her eyes are colder than ice, with Demi they are soft, caring, and happy. With me her eyes are full of annoyance, caring, and sisterly love. Sometimes a good combo, sometimes not so much.

The mini house-like structure Demi had built for me is definitely the nicest thing I've ever been in. It has a rather large dog door for me to enter and exit when need be. Brand new clothes, both a large dog bed and a cave-like bed, and a perch for me to sit on on the roof that is sheltered from whatever the sky throws at me.

"T, if you want normal dinner it's ready!" Harlow's voice called out to me as I sat proudly on my perch, watching the moon as if it would move the second I took my eyes off of it.

My four legs evened out the impact of me hitting the floor before leading me to the drawer that sat proudly against the wall. I switched back into my natural human form and quickly slid clothes on. I'm not one for human food, but Demi's cooking is a different story. It's like heaven in your fucking mouth.

My pants slid over my toned legs before I slid a loose tank top over my bare torso.

My feet quickly carried me across the well maintained grass before running into the house.

"No dirty feet in my house!" Demi scolded me as she pointed at the doormat, instructing me to go wipe my feet off.

I maintained eye contact as I wiped my feet off.

A pleased smile spread across her lips before nodding and walking away.

I swear she is like a mother.

"Ooo, someone got in trouble." Low mocked in a childish tone.

"You're next if you don't start to act your age Wolfy." Demi sang and Harlow stiffened up.

Demi doesn't get mad at me. She just makes me fix whatever I did and then goes on her way. Low is a different story since she is her submissive.

I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing at Harlow reaction.

Harlow glared at me and it made me stop instantly.

"No fighting in the house. Go outside if you are going to do that shit." Demi scolded from the kitchen.

I definitely do not want to fight Harlow. That is a fight I will not win. She's nearly twice my size, quicker than me, stronger than me, a better fighter than me, and can make anyone cower under her glare. Anyone except Demi.

"We are going over to my grandparent's restaurant to meet them, my mom and dad, and my sisters tomorrow. I expect you two to be on your best behavior, especially you Harlow because you are my girlfriend and my dad is very hesitant with anyone around me. Tate, just don't do anything a normal human wouldn't do. No eating with your hands unless it's a finger food. Both of you, no growling or any kind of wolf noises or any wolf habbits. They don't know you guys are hybrids and I don't know how they would take it, but with time I will tell them and then they'll want proof or they'll think I'm lying." Demi ran her fingers their her hair. "Basically, don't do shit you normally do when it's just me." Demi let out a small laugh and Harlow and I did as well.


POV: Harlow

No wolf stuff. I can do that for two hours. No wolf stuff. They know Demi is my Dom, so I can at least be myself in that ballpark.

"Babe, you look fine. It's casual dinner, so take a deep breath. You'll be sitting next to me, so if you need me just put your hand on my thigh, not sexually, and I'll hold your hand, okay?" Demi looked at me with sincere eyes as she flattened out my plain red muscle tee, that slightly showed my black sports bra underneath it, that was tucked into camouflage print pants with a belt. Casual, but not so casual that it looks like I'd walk around the house in it.

"Low, are you ready?" Tate knocked on my bedroom door.

"Yeah, come in." I let out a nervous sigh.

Tate walked in wearing a collared shirt tucked into some kakis with a black belt keeping his shirt in place. His jet black hair was styled with gel and looked like the casual high school boy's hairstyle, which is what we are going for here. Normality.

"Lookin' sharp little bro." I walked over to him and patted his shoulder before looking in the mirror to fix my mess of hair.

"Let me do it Harlow. I promise whatever I do my parents will like, okay?" Demi looked at me through the mirror before watching me nod.

"I'll get the things out to the car while you finish your hair." Tate smirked at me as he left my room.

Within two minutes Demi put my hair into a messy bun with a few bobby pins and a hair tie. I winced here and there when she dug the pins into my scalp, but she just told me to stop being a pansy and slapped my arm.

Demi turned me around in her arms before pressing her lips to my cheek. She could reach my height since she was wearing heels while I was wearing black and white high tops (Demi's pick since I was about to wear sneakers).

"You look hot as hell." Demi smirked at me before grabbing my chin with her thumb and index finger so she'd look me in the eyes. "You look hotter without the clothes, but these clothes definitely do you justice. Now let's go. They closed the restaurant early so we could have it to ourselves, so let's go." Demi looped her fingers in my belt loops before pulling me closer. "Best behavior Harlow. There will be consequences if you act any less than that. One kiss before we go." Demi leaned in to kiss me, and I went to go meet her halfway, but what I got was her quickly pushing me up against the wall that was behind me and then connecting our lips. "I'd do so much more if it wouldn't mess up your attire and hair, so let's go."

I stood there against the wall wondering what the fuck just happened as she left my room. I am fucking putty in her hands and there isn't a damn thing I can do about it, but part of me loves it. Craves it.

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