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POV: Demi

I had agreed to go shopping with Emily, because even I wanted some girl time with someone who truly understands hybrids.

"I want to look as some jewelry. How about you?" Emily asked as we stopped in front of the most expensive jewelry store in the state. "I saw a ring that I wanted to look at."

"Sure, I was thinking about a necklace." I made up something to go along with it, because all day I've been dragging my feet low key. I still feel horrible about yesterday.

Emily started to try on a ring that she really liked which was cute, but not my kind of ring.

"Try it on." Emily handed it to me and it was a little small.

"I think I need a half size up." I told the jeweler and she fished out a 9.5 ring and it fit perfectly.

"That is a nine and a half." She informed me and I nodded along.

"That's cute on you, but not cute enough. I don't like this one like I thought I would. Can you help me find one? Tate said I could spoil myself today, so I want to stretch that limit." Emily pleaded.

"Sure girl, we don't have anything else to do today, so why not?" I smiled.

POV: Harlow

"I know her ring size and the exact ring she wants, and it was the most expensive one in the store. She didn't look at the price though, even after she tried it on." Emily got all giddy and Tate took a sigh of relief, knowing he doesn't have to worry about the tab from the shopping spree now.

"Thank you Emily." I gave her a sad smile. I am trying to hide my pain from yesterday that is still effecting me, but it isn't too working well.

"Let me know when you want me to distract her another time so you can go get it. I took a picture of it, and she is a 9.5 size. Oh, and the price of the ring was 78,900 dollars without tax. White gold isn't cheap." She shrugged.

Tate looked at me with worry, and not because of the money. He knows something is up.

I whispered at a level no regular human could hear after turning around so Emily couldn't see my lips. "Demi took her stress out on me yesterday, and told me that I was disappointing her over and over again. My back is in bad shape too."

"It is taking everything in me now to growl right now." Tate whispered back.

I went into Demi and I's room to see her hanging up the clothes she bought today in the closet.

"Hey," she whispered quietly. "I got you some things too."

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"I am sorry Harlow. I am not trying to excuse my actions, but I was extremely stressed and I took it out on you and it wad in no way, shape, or form okay. I don't know how to make it up to you." Demi nearly dropped to her knees.

"Don't apologize Mistress. I wasn't my best yesterday, so I didn't make it any better." I shrugged and got in bed. "I am going to take a nap. I didn't sleep well last night." It wasn't a lie. I really didn't, because of the nightmares and me hating myself right now.

"Can I lie with you or...?" She asked cautiously.

"You make the decisions Mistress. Whatever would make you happiest is what I want." I whispered and then stripped while laying down on the bed and pulled the covers over myself.

"I want you to make the decision." Demi refrained from using her dominant voice.

"My decision is that I want you happy, so whatever would make you happy will make me happy."

"Harlow, do you want me to lie with you or not?" She gave me her a warning tone after me evading answering too many times.

I stayed quiet, debating on answering or not. "I think I just want to sleep, so since you're wide awake I'd like to lie alone in silence and sleep."

"Okay, let me know if you need me." Demi left the room quietly and I closed my eyes, but I know I won't be able to sleep. I just want to be alone I guess.

POV: Demi

"I messed up." I tell my mom over the phone as I pace in the kitchen. Tate and Emily left not too long ago.

"How?" My mom asked me, and I could tell she stopped whatever she was doing because it got quiet.

I gave her the basic run down, and I did my best to not give too much information.

"Well, girls don't always want just a verbal apology. We hold a grudge and don't process emotions as quickly as men, as you know. So if I was in your position, I would set up something nice for her, but keep it inside the house. Don't make her go out, because then she'll feel like she can't tell you what she is feeling, because you would be out in public." My mom gave me the best advice she could.

I took a deep breath and agreed before thanking her and hanging up. I have no idea as to what to do.

I stood up when I saw Harlow walking into the kitchen, opening the fridge, and then closing it without getting anything. The cooks didn't come today, because I told them to stay home with the moods we've been in.

She turned on her heels when she saw me sitting on the couch and headed back to the room.

"Harlow wait." I tried to stop her, but she kept walking without a bit of hesitation. It slightly upset me that she didn't listen, but it's my fault.

She slammed the door shut to our room and I sighed as I got up and followed her down the hallway to our room door. I knocked softly before slowly opening the door.

"Harlow?" I spoke in a soft tone.

"I told you I wanted to be alone. Why won't you leave me alone?" Harlow huffed.

"You can't avoid me forever." I stepped into the room and closed the door behind us.

"I know, but I can for now." She growled. Not a normal human growl, but a wolf growl that came from her chest.

"Harlow, take some deep breaths. Don't lose control." I put my hands up.

"Don't tell me what to do after what you did!" She shifted into her wolf form and her clothes ripped off, and the remaining fabric fell off of her figure once she jumped off the bed and onto the rug.

I gulped in fear. I shouldn't be afraid of her. I don't think she would ever hurt me.

"Leave me be." I got the nastiest glare she could give me.

My eyes closed briefly before I stood up and slowly walked towards her.

She growled and snapped her jaws, but backed up against the wall with no more room.

She started to pace back and forth tightly against the wall quicker and quicker as I got closer.

"Just let me touch you. I won't hurt you. Please let me apologize." I begged Harlow and crouched down a few feet away from her, putting the ball in her court for her to approach me if she wants to.

We sat there for what felt like hours, but was more like a few minutes. She sniffed my hand as she stepped a little closer. After a second or two of her sniffing my hand she licked it and then nuzzled into it.

"Come here baby." I got up on the bed and opened my arms.

She immediately jumped up onto the bed and wrapped herself around me. She takes up 3/4 of a king size mattress in her wolf form.

"I love you, and I am sorry." I sighed.

"I love you more. I forgive you." She whispered before finally falling asleep.

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