Long Day

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POV: Harlow

"So you're a werewolf." Maddison's facial expression had a hint of amusement and a lot of curiosity. Demi's dad is out with friends, so Demi and I are at the house while he isn't.

"I call myself a hybrid, because werewolves are a fictional supernatural monster for stories." I clarified with a small smile.

"Oh, sorry." Maddison genuinely apologized before she spoke again. "So do you hunt like a wolf would when you're in that form?"

"That's more of Tate's field of expertise, but I'll hunt if I'm craving it which isn't often." I shrugged and took another bite out of my sandwich. Demi's mom made us real meatball subs and I haven't had a real home cooked meal in while because Demi is shitty at cooking. She'd burn the water before she could do anything with it.

Maddison nodded her head. "Can I see your wolf again?"

I chuckled. "Yeah, just let me finish my sandwich." I practically inhaled the rest of my sandwich before getting up to go to the bathroom to take off my clothes and shift.

The familiar sharp pinches around my joints nearly consumed me as my fur started to grow. I shook out of coat before realizing I locked myself in the bathroom. Maybe one day I will be less of an idiot.

"Hey Demi... I forgot that I can't unlock doors without fingers." I whined and I heard footsteps approach the door.

"You're a dork." Demi giggled as I walked out of the bathroom.

Maddison had a huge smile on her face.

"I didn't get to see you in the light. Your coat is so pretty." She smiled brightly and I walked over to her to let her run her fingers through my strands of fur.

"Thanks." I smiled at her before stretching out a little. "I haven't switched since that night, so this is quite relaxing." I chuckled.

Demi walked up beside me. "I'd have you come sit on the couch with me, but you shed more than any animal I have ever met." She giggled as she watched as I leaned into her touch as she scratched in between my ears.

I hummed in appreciation.

"Just get a blanket and have her lay on that." Demi's mom suggested.

I swear she's thinks more than any of us.

Demi nodded and grabbed a blanket from the closet before draping it on top of the couch and sitting on it before patting the spot beside her.

I hopped up onto the couch beside her and plopped down with my head in her lap. My lungs let out a breath of air as a small smile rested on my lips. It probably looks creepy, but I can't help it.

"Shit shit shit, dad just pulled into the driveway and he does not look happy." Maddison ran into the living room.

"Let him walk in." Demi's mom shrugged. "He is going to have to go through me to get to the most adorable thing I've ever seen in my life." She motioned her hand over at Demi and I cuddled up on the couch.

I was hesitant, but I did my best to trust her mom as she continued to wash the dishes.

Eddie walked, more so stormed, into the house and went straight into the kitchen. "What happened, dare I ask?" Demi's mom asked with a slightly worried tone.

"Johnathan fucking got in a fight at the bar and now he is in jail." Eddie slammed the fridge shut after searching its contents.

"We have guests. Enough of the cursing." Demi's mom scolded her husband.

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