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POV: Demi

We've been sitting in the lobby for about three and a half hours. Thirty minutes longer than the surgery was supposed to take. How am I feeling about this? I'm pretty sure I'm going to fucking scream and then breakdown, because my girlfriend is in surgery that was supposed to be over a half hour ago. Thirty minutes is a large amount of time when it comes to this kinda shit.

"Miss Lovato, may I speak with you?" The veterinarian asked with a dull expression when she came around the corner, covered in blood head to toe. The sight made my stomach turn, knowing that it came from Harlow.

I quickly got up and went over to her.

"She's stable, but the only way we will be able to get her strong enough to stay stable is for her to get a blood transfusion. The problem is is that her body keeps rejecting it and it's making her situation worse. Does she have any siblings?" The vet asked as she took off her gloves.

"Yeah, she has a brother. I adopted him too." I quickly answered.

"Please go get him quickly. We need the blood as quickly as possible." The vet looked relieved, but still nervous at the same time.

"Okay," I nodded quickly before bolting out into the lobby. "Come with me you two." I said as I ran passed them and out the door.

I heard Tanner and Tate run out behind me.

"Tate, I'm going to take you to the nearest private place for you to switch. Harlow needs a blood transfusion and all of the blood that she has been given she just rejects, so where is the best place you can think of?" I asked as I already got ready to pull out of the parking lot as soon as they got in.

"I can shift in the backseat. It's big enough." Tate said as he crawled into the backseat, switching with Tanner.

I drove around as Tate quickly undressed himself before shifting in the backseat. I'll never get used to the sound of their bones shifting and popping. It sounds so gross and painful.

"Okay, I'm done. Is there a collar and leash in here anywhere?" Tate asked as he peaked his head in between Tanner and I.

"No, I don't own any dogs." I looked at him blankly.

"Okay, well, I'll just act like I am a well trained dog who listens to orders well." Tate sighed and I nodded before pulling back into the parking lot of the animal hospital.

When we pulled into the parking lot, Tanner got out quicker than I could and opened the back door for Tate to jump out of.

We practically ran into the animal hospital and the vet met us at the door.

"His name is Tate and he is very well behaved. He will do anything you tell him to as long as he understands it." I looked the vet in the eyes and she quickly led Tate to the back where Harlow was. "I hope we made it in time." I whispered.

"We did. It's Tate's blood that is going into her. It's going to work and it's going to be okay. She'll make it through." Tanner took a seat and patted the seat beside him for me to sit down.

I took a shaky breath before sitting down.

Tanner leaned over and whispered in my ear. "She made it through an abusive childhood and through scientific studying and any other thing under the moon. This isn't going to be the end of her story."

A small smile appeared on my lips as hope started to replace the fear.

"Where did the nice boy go?" The older front desk lady asked once she noticed Tate's absence.

"There wasn't enough room in the truck for him and a wolf on top of Tanner and I." I gave her a sad smile.

"Ah," she nodded her head once before continuing her work.

"Miss Lovato, Mr Betts," the vet greeted Tanner and I with a smile. "Low is doing great and she is waking up, and Tate did terrific with the needles. The best I've seen."

"Can we go see them?" I raised a brow.

"Of course, right this way." The vet waved for Tanner and I to follow.

"I'll see her when she gets out. You should be the one she sees when she wakes up." Tanner whispered to me and gave me a small smile before sitting back down.

I nodded once slowly before jogging to catch up with the fast paced veterinarian.

She pushed open the same swing door I went in not too long ago to see her looking lifeless.

Harlow and Tate came into view as soon as I stepped into the room.

They brought in another silver table and scooted it right next to Harlow before putting Tate on it. Both of them weakly looked at each other before I saw Harlow's nose twitch.

Harlow started to whine and turn around to face me.

"Stay still baby. Let me come to you." I smiled with a small chuckle as I quickly walked over to the two of them. I bent down and kissed in between her ears before ruffling up Tate's coat on his side which earned a groan and a huff from him.

"They'll be able to go home in a hour or so. We want to monitor them for a bit longer since Tate did lose a lot of blood and Low just went through extensive surgery." The vet gave me a smile. "But you are more than welcome to stay in here with them till I can discharge the two of them."

"Thank you," I smiled at her before making a gesture for her to hug me.

She hugged me before speaking. "No problem. It's my job." She chuckled slightly before leaving to room.

"You two are going to be the death of me." I whispered to the two of them as soon as the swing door got into place.

A light chuckle came from Tate, and I could tell Harlow tried to laugh as well, but with the state her lungs are currently in, I don't recommend it.

"We're on thanksgiving break this week, so you've got a week to heal up Harlow." I ran my fingers through her coat. "And you've got a week to wake up and be sarcastic." I pointed at Tate in a joking manner.

"I'll get right on that." He mumbled quietly with a small smile creeping on his lips.

"I want sleep." Harlow struggled out.

"Shhh, don't talk baby. Build the strength up before you start to use your lungs for anything other than breathing." I whispered to her and ran my hand over her eyes gently which always puts her right to sleep.

All I got in response was a groan from her.

"You haven't even been awake for that long and you're already giving me an attitude." I teased her.

"Ooo, Harlow rolled her eyes at you Demi." Tate whispered.

"If you weren't hurt I'd pop you." I sighed and shook my head with a smile as I looked down at Harlow who was falling asleep.

Tanner was right, Harlow is too stubborn for this to be the end of her story.

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