Can't Flirt

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POV: Demi

"Tate, I know that you can't flirt to save your life, but you just can't stare at her till she marries you." I teased Tate as we watched Harlow walk a lap around the gym.

"I try to flirt, but it comes out as nonexistent words and then I try to explain what happened, and then it gets worse from then on." Tate sighed.

"Just talk to her. Don't flirt. Just talk. I promise the flirting will come naturally once you get more comfortable with the situation." I shook my head as the students started to file into the gym right on time. There are always the few stragglers that are a few minutes late, but I won't count them tardy as long as they don't stall for more than ten minutes without reason. "It's Friday, so it's a free day. She usually kicks a soccer ball on her own since you have to be active. She's actually really good. She'll do tricks and whatnot, but no one will ask to play with her because she's so quiet and shy, so that's where you come in." I nudged him once she stepped into the gym.

Harlow was walking back over to us with a smirk. "You've gotta go with that plan. It's going to work. She doesn't have friends. Use that to your advantage Mr Overprotective."

"Be nice Harlow." I warned her before she started a bickering match.

"I'll do it, but if I get rejected I'm blaming it on you guys." Tate nudged me back.

"He's going to do it." Harlow whispered as she stood beside me. I could tell it was eating at her that she couldn't play football with everyone else, but she knows not to argue with me about it.

"He better. You have to tell me what he says. I can barely hear you whisper to me and you're right beside me." I watched as Tate walked over to Emily and smiled his million dollar smile, and Emily smiled back. It wasn't a fake one either. It was like she was genuinely happy that he came back to talk to her again.

"Tate asked if he could kick it back and forth with her and if she could teach him some of the tricks she was doing." Harlow whispered to me as she put her balled fist in front of her mouth which is one of her nervous ticks.

"Does Tate play any soccer?" I asked as I watched the two interact.

"Yeah, he is actually really good, but he is going to play stupid and then replicate every trick she teaches him on the first try to show off. I know him." Harlow chuckled. "She said yes, but she wants to see what he's got first."

"Oh my fuck that's adorable." I watched in awe as Tate and Emily were a laughing mess once Tate tripped on the ball. It wasn't on purpose either. He was staring at her and when he went to kick it he kicked over the ball and his foot landed on top of it, and then he fell on his ass.

The rest of the class was spent by Harlow and I watching the two interact. It was natural since they're matched, but still.

When Tate hugged her goodbye before she left for the day Harlow and I were smiling like idiots, and when he walked back over to us he was a blushing mess.

"I got her number." Tate couldn't hide his smile as he walked over to me. "She got a little teary eyed when I asked if I could join her. It slightly agitates me that they treat her like she doesn't exist, but right now it is helping my case a whole hell of a lot."

"You're going to take her out to the movies this weekend, right?" I asked without beating around any bush. "Just no kissing or touching. Let her initiate any contact."

"I can't just text her!" Tate whined.

"Why the fuck did you get her number if you aren't going to contact her any?" I raised a brow.

"She has my number too." Tate whispered with his gaze locked onto the floor.

"If she doesn't text you by the end of today she won't text first because she will think she is annoying you. So you will have to text her tomorrow if she doesn't text you today if you won't text her today." I used my teacher voice, not my Dom voice because that's Harlow's only, to get my point across.

Tate's phone buzzed within seconds after me saying that. When he opened up the notification it showed her contact name. It was Emily, but it had a blue heart at the end of it, which is Tate's favorite color, and a green heart which I assume is hers.

"Oh. My. God. That is adorable. Did she put it in like that?" I asked Tate with a smile as he blushed.

"Yeah," he was smiling wide as he responded.

"Babe, we've gotta come up with a ship name." I teased Tate and got Harlow in on it.

"I'd help if I could, but I suck at ship names." Harlow chuckled. "But I do know I need to get home before I pass out. I've done enough walking today to make up for the past while. My lungs have to get used to actually being lungs again instead of dollar store balloons."

I threw my head back and laughed at her comparison while Tate was focused on texting Emily.

"So when are you two going to fuck?" Harlow asked boldly which earned a low growl from her twin. "Oh calm the fuck down testosterone." She rolled her eyes.

Tate texted Emily the whole way home, and not once did his smile fade.

Harlow kept shooting me knowing looks when Tate would chuckle here and there.

Harlow smirked I knew she was about to say something that would set her twin off. "Tate and Emily fucking in a tree, F-U-C-K-I-N-G."

I was laughing the rest of the way home as Tate growled at his twin's comments. "I never teased you this much."

"Bull. Shit." Harlow rolled her eyes as she waited for me to open her door since she knows it's one of my rules. "You are worse than Demi when it comes to this stuff."

"I tease you because you get all pissy and I think it's hot." I shrugged shamelessly as I opened her door for her which earned a blush from her.

"Ha, look who is blushing now." Tate scowled at his sister as he made sure she got out of the car okay. We pretty much take him everywhere with us now. He makes sure Harlow doesn't stir shit, and if she does he is going to handle it.

"Enough you two. I'd rather not have to drive Harlow to the hospital for her getting too worked up and her lungs get all kinds of fucked up." I gave the two of them a stern warning.

Harlow dramatically sighed which earned her a smack on the ass once I closed the front door behind the three of us.

"Behave." I scowled at her.

Tate walked to his mini house, not once looking up from his phone. "He is already whipped." Harlow pointed out as she rubbed her ass from the smack that the palm of my hand just delivered.

"Yup," I agreed with a nod.

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