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POV: Demi

I don't think anyone could ever understand how hard it was for me to let go of Harlow when she had finally calmed down.

Jackson ended up being okay. He just had a few bad bruises, but no breaks or bleeds. Harlow refused to go get checked, but when she changed her shirt she let me check for anything bad, but they were just some light bruises. If she broke anything it would be black and blue already, but everything else was minor.

"Are you alright, Demi?" Tanner, Harlow's cross country coach that watched her run with me, tapped on my car window.

I quickly rolled it down so I didn't have to yell. "Yeah, just watching the rain is all." I gave him a quick smile that he returned before heading over to his car. The window couldn't roll up fast enough as the rain poured harder.

My whole body jolted up when my phone buzzed.

Unknown: It's Harlow and I just wanted to say thank you for helping me today. I know it's weird for me to get your number without you knowing, but I wanted to be able to say that I'm here for you whenever you need me back.

I took a deep breath, hoping that my smile would fade with the exhale as I saved her contact.

Me: You don't have to worry about that Harlow, but thank you.

She texted back within seconds.

Harlow: I know I don't have to, but I do. I gotta go now.

Can she stop making my life so much harder? Or is that her thing?

Making my life harder by the second.

Fuck it, I gotta find a way to get my mind off of that girl. Twenty years in prison isn't my thing.


"Alright, what girl do you like?" My dad asked from the dinner table. I go eat with my family every Friday which is nice and stressful at the same time. There isn't any room for secrets.

"What?" I raised a brow, but didn't look up at him as I twirled the spaghetti around my fork.

"What girl are you crushing on?" My dad refused to give up.

"I'm trying not to." I mumbled.

"Who is it?" My mom asked.

"I can't tell." I whispered.

"What do you mean you can't tell?" Dallas, my older sister, looked at me like I had fourteen heads.

"She likes a student." Madison, my younger half-sister, answered my older sister.

I wanted to ask how she knew, but that would completely give it away. "I do not like a student."

"Do you smell that?" Dallas sniffed the air.

Here we go.

"Yeah, it smells like bullshit." My dad finished.

"I'll go get the air freshener." My mom acted like she was going to stand up from the table, but stopped when she saw me hide my face in my hands.

"I'm going to get in trouble." I mumbled.

"Just don't pursue her or anything of that matter. It'll go away." Dallas shrugged.

"Not for me. Once I like someone it takes years for the feelings to go away. Ask mom." I sighed.

"It took her two and a half years to get over that last girl. She fucked with her heart." My mom growled.

"If you like her, wait till school is over and then go about it." Madison suggested.

"As a prior teacher, it is a little weird for me to say this, but as your dad my best advice is to hide it the best you can and do what Madison suggested. If something does happen between you two, let her initiate it and make sure she wants what you want first. Don't let a spark turn into a flame if she is just going to extinguish it." My dad looked me in the eyes to show that he was being serious.

I nodded.

It took me no longer than ten minutes to get home, and after a long ass shower, I somehow made it to bed. It's such a long walk.

My phone was charging on the nightstand, so when I walked into my room I saw the screen repeatedly lighting up.

My legs quickly carried me over to my phone to see her name all the way down my screen.

Harlow: I need someone to talk to.
Harlow: I'm having a panic attack and Jackson is at a friend's house.
Harlow: Please Miss Lovato.
Harlow: I'm sorry if you are asleep and I wake you up. I'm being selfish.
Harlow: But I'm also panicking due to my father threatening to get the whip out again for getting into that fight.
Harlow: I'm scared Miss Lovato.
Harlow: He said if I don't leave the house now he is going to beat the shit out of me.
Harlow: I packed some shit in a bag and I'm walking to the park so I can sleep under the shelter, so I'm okay and safe now.
Harlow: Even though you didn't respond, it made me feel better to talk about it. Even if it was very little.

Me: I am so sorry I didn't see the texts. I was in the shower. I'm on my way.

I quickly grabbed my keys after putting some sweatpants and a tank top on.

Harlow: It's okay. I'm safe.

Me: No, I'm coming to get you.

Harlow: Maybe not, there is a guy walking around.

Me: Stay low and stay quiet. I'm on my way.

I opened up the closet and opened the safe before taking the pistol out.

Harlow: I want to protest, but I'm scared as hell.

Me: Turn your phone brightness all the way down.

Harlow: He may just be on a walk.

Me: Who the fuck goes on a walk at two in the morning through a damn park that isn't near any houses?

Harlow: People like me.

Me: Harlow, I'm going to be there in five minutes and you will get in my damn car.

I opened my car door before pulling out of my driveway and putting my seatbelt on at the same time.

My foot got heavier with each buzz my phone gave off.

When I saw the park sign flash from my headlights I put the petal to the metal.

Harlow: He is looking around. I don't know what he is looking for, but it's scaring the shit out of me.

I pulled into a parking spot before grabbing the pistol off of the passenger seat and quickly exiting the car.

My feet couldn't carry me any faster than they were. The shelter was in sight, as well as the guy.

I tucked the pistol in my waistband before calling for Harlow. He can hear me. I don't care. He won't like it if he tries something though.

"Harlow, come on." I called over to her as if it wasn't a big deal.

I watched as she quickly grabbed her bag and ran over to me.

The guy just looked over his shoulder with a smile before looking back up at the tree.

"My daughter lost her kite here. I'm just looking for it." He answered.

"I hope you find it." I spoke over my shoulder as I rushed Harlow to my car. "Get in. Now." I whispered to her.

She hopped in and just held her bag on her lap.

"You're safe now. I've got you." I patted her knee once I got us out of the parking lot.

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