Attempt to Intimidate

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POV: Harlow

"So Harlow, tell me about yourself." Demi's dad, who I now know is coach Eddie who retired, asked me as he went to take a bite of his food. Her grandparents must be loaded, because this looks like a fire star restaurant and the food is unlike any other.

"I... um..." fuck, what do I do with my life? Football, lots of football. "I'm the wide receiver for the football team as well as the defense for the other team's wide receivers. I run track. I am not saying this part to brag, I am saying it because it is apart of who I am, but I'm currently being scouted by colleges, olympic scouts, and the NFL." I stuttered every other word and I could tell her dad loved it.

"What is this news story about your father I heard a few weeks ago?" Coach Eddie asked nonchalantly.

"Eddie!" Demi's mother scolded him.

"What? What happened?" Coach Eddie looked genuinely lost as Demi stared him down and put a protective hand on my thigh.

"Look it up on your phone." Demi snarled.

Tate, who was seated next to me, was frozen. He didn't move a muscle. It honestly seemed like he even held his breath as he stared down at his plate. I could see a vein showing itself in his temple as he did his best to keep his anger in.

I on the other hand remained emotionless and unaffected.

Demi's dad went to fish his phone out of his pocket, but I stopped him by raising my hand.

"My father abused me in more ways than one for years, and he made sure my life was hell. All the way to where I slept and how I was treated at school. He made sure that there would be people to provoke me, so he could 'rightfully' punish me. But that's about it. He also turned my older brother on me, but someone killed him recently. Now it's just Tate and me." I answered with a smile, but it was completely fake and Demi could tell. As soon as I opened my mouth she started to rub circles on my thigh with her thumb.

"I am so sorry. I thought it was something that might make you a bad person. That didn't sound right either. I am so sorry Harlow." Demi's dad, coach Eddie, frantically apologized. But his reasoning made me even more pissed.

"It's okay honestly. It's in the past and I am safe and happy with where I am." I gave him one quick, but convincing smile that seemed to calm his nerves slightly.

Demi's mom cleared her throat. "What about you Tate? Tell me about yourself."

I could smell the panic that radiated off of him. "I finished high school quickly through online courses so I could help Harlow to the best of my ability. I wasn't allowed on the property, but I did my best to support her because I know our father was not. Other than that I enjoy running and hunting."

I kicked him underneath the table.

"And video games as well as football, but I just like to watch Harlow play." He quickly regained composure.

The previous 'hobbies' were too bold and out there from the average teenage boy.

I took another bite out of the steak that was practically still mooing and I loved it. I like my steaks just cooked enough for there to be no risk of me getting sick from it.

"You sound like a good kid." Coach Eddie smiled at him.

What am I then? Chopped liver?

"How old are you Harlow Luna Rogue?" Coach Eddie laid out my full name for absolutely no reason other than as an attempt to intimidate me, but after his prior question he has lost that aspect.

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