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POV: Harlow

"Ah yes, this is much more comfortable. I've been in wolf form for a month." My mom sighed in relief once she stepped out of the bathroom. All of my siblings were currently catching up with Tate since we already had, and I am now seeing my wolf mom for the first time in human form.

"So that's where I got how I look from. I look nothing like my human family." I smiled at my mom. She really and truly was beautiful.

"And that is the way I like it. No child of mine will be treated poorly by their family. You are my child. Not theirs." My mom nodded her head. Demi lent her some clothes and they fit her near perfectly. My clothes would've been too big, so she went with Demi's instead.

"I'm going to order some pizza. How many should I get?" Demi asked my mom with a quirked eyebrow.

"It will be far too expensive to buy all of the pizzas these little ones need to not kill each other for." My mom chuckled.

"Harlow inherited all of her family's money, so we have nearly an unlimited amount with the income." Demi reassured my mom.

"I'd get thirty pizzas with as many meat toppings you can get on them. I'll eat off of the little ones' food and they'll just have to get over it. I'd get one for yourself though." My mom sighed when she saw my siblings and Tate play fighting in the living room after they moved all of the furniture out of the way. She clicked her tongue and everyone froze other than Demi. "Not too rough my children. Maybe act your age for once."

We all sat in silence till she looked away from my siblings, and then Demi spoke. "The order has been put in."

"Thank you Demi. Children, pizza will be here soon. I expect and trust you all to behave and not kill each other for slices. There will be plenty enough for everyone, so please do behave." As soon as my mom looked away I ran over to my siblings to join in on the play fights. "I expect more from you Harlow. You've gotten more time in civilization than any of them. You should be more tame than them. Act like it." My mom snapped at me without even looking at me.

Demi leaned over to my mom and whispered something I couldn't pick up since my siblings were being loud. I watched as my mom nodded and then they looked over at me. "Harlow, come with me." Demi gave me a look and I knew not to protest, so I hung my head low as I followed her lead.

POV: Demi

I don't want to punish her, but her mom was about to kill her since she was messing around. Her mother is very strict, but I guess she has to be when she has nine kids to take care of.

"We're going to our room." I mumbled over my shoulder and Harlow whined, but still followed.

"I didn't even do anything." She whispered behind me. "I was gonna go play with my siblings who I haven't seen in years."

"I know Harlow." I sighed as I stepped to the side so she could walk into our room and I could close the door behind myself. "I don't know how to get her to ease up on you and let you play with your siblings." I sighed.

"Yeah, I don't know either. She doesn't believe in fighting of any kind." Harlow mumbled. "We're part wolf. Of course we have the desire to play fight with our siblings."

"I know baby. I'm not saying you don't." I sighed again. "Just lift up your shirt and I'll leave a small mark. No getting worked up though. Choose what you want me to use."

She whimpered, but she did as told and came back with a belt. "Please only go just as hard as you need to to leave a mark." She begged me as she lifted up her shirt to show me her perfectly toned stomach. Just the sight makes me want to lose control, but I need to stay in control.

"I'll only give you one if it leaves a mark love." I kissed her jaw before stepping back just enough to give one good lash.

She winced through clenched teeth as she squeezed her eyes shut tightly. It wasn't because of pain. It was because she was trying to stay in control and not get herself all worked up.

"Good girl." I pulled her down to my level so I could kiss her lips once quickly. "Go play." I tapped her ass and she left the room.


They're staying the night because Harlow and I insisted. There are plenty enough beds for them to have their own, but they just dog pile in wolf form and sleep. It's the only time they aren't at each other's throats.

Tate went to Emily's house to go be with her for the night and Harlow and I are in our bed. Her head is in my lap while I sit up and read.

It's moments like these that you learn to cherish and love every second of them, because you never know if it'll be the last time you can have a moment so peaceful and so carefree. You just never know when the next time you'll get to hold the ones you love. The ones you cherish. The ones that mean more than the world to you.

Harlow could have anything she wanted, and anyone she wanted, but she chose me. Her brain chose me. The broke teacher with a desire to inspire as many as possible, but it's hard to on a teacher's salary.

But this is just the beginning of our story.

Because in my life... nothing is as easy as this.

But I pray that the love I have for her is enough to get us through everyday of our lives, because she is my heart, my lungs, and my mind.

"You're thinking again Demi. What are you thinking about?" Harlow snapped me out of my thoughts.


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