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POV: Harlow

"Have I ever told you how gorgeous you are?" I looked up at Demi with a smile as I laid my head on her lap while she watched tv. I poked her cheeks and did everything I could to annoy her while she watched her crime shows.

"I'm not gorgeous, but you have indeed told me how you think so. Specifically five times the last twenty minutes." Demi didn't peal her gaze away from the tv. "Why are you pestering me?"

"Because I want attention." I gave her a cheesy smile, but she paid no attention to it. I can't just turn off the tv because I'll get punished for acting up.

"I swear you're worse than a puppy." Demi shook her head.

"...well, I am part wolf." I gave her a toothy grin, and finally she looked down at me. My smile radiated onto her lips.

"You are very lucky you are more adorable than a puppy." She ran her fingers through my hair and a smile of satisfaction rested on my lips. "You act like some big and bad girl, but in reality you're a needy puppy." Demi chuckled.

"Your needy puppy." I shot her a wink before closing my eyes again.

"If you were a normal human being I'd call you out as being kinky as fuck, but in reality you are part wolf." She leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Is that enough attention for me to at least finish this episode without you acting out?" Demi sighed.

I whined loudly and her glare shut me up immediately.

"Quiet for ten more minutes. Just ten my little wolf." She smiled down at me before focusing back onto the tv.

"Nnnnn," I whined.

"Whine one more time. I dare you." Demi had her hand out of my hair and the other ready to strike my stomach.

I sucked my lips in and she gave me a pleased nod.

Do I want to see how far I can push her? Yes, but I also don't want to get my ass beat right now. Maybe in a few hours. "I know you're thinking about it my little wolf. Don't do something you'll regret."


POV: Demi

"Oh fuck off." Harlow flipped off the teacher who bumped into me as I led her and I through the crowd of teachers and helpers as we all walked around the school building early on Sunday morning, so we could all reset up all of our classrooms. All I have to do is re inflate balls and whatnot, but I took Harlow with me so I get a good enough excuse to watch her run around shirtless since I told her to get back into condition for football this upcoming week. She's gonna play basketball and other random stuff by herself.

I love watching Harlow play any sport to begin with if I'm being honest. She puts so much passion into each play and move that it's admirable.

My fingers typed on my laptop after I hooked it up to the speakers for Harlow as she stretched before working her ass off.

Did I actually come here to re-inflate the balls? Pft, no. I came here to watch my drop dead girlfriend work out and play sports.

"Can you throw a football?" Harlow asked me with a sideways smile.

"My family bleeds football. Yes, I can throw a football." I giggled as she tossed me a football she had pulled from the bin.

"I need you to throw it. Don't tell me where. I just have to track it down." She kissed my cheek before standing beside me in a stance where she was ready to take off.

"Ready?" I glanced at her. Her face falls into the resting bitch face when she's focused and it cracks me up.

Harlow nodded and she started to run as soon as my arm moved.

I threw it as far as I could, thinking there would be no way she would be able to catch up to it before it hit the floor.

I watched closely as her sneakers gripped the hardwood floor with each stride as she regularly looked over her shoulder to make sure she was lined up with it. It was if she was under the ball the whole time. Not once did it get ahead of her or behind her.

Her body shifted sideways as it approached the ground and she flawlessly caught it over her shoulder before slowing down and letting her body ram into the wall mats that were along the walls behind the basketball hoops.

"Did someone try to challenge me?" Harlow smiled at me as she walked back over to me with the ball in her grasp.

"Maybe, but I know for sure there is no way in hell you'll catch the next one." I smirked at her as she tossed me the ball and stood beside me again.

"We'll see." Harlow chuckled.

I chuckled the ball high and far, making sure it would hit the wall on the other side of the gym before the floor.

She bolted to the wall like her life depended on it and timed her wall push off perfectly, catching the ball before it hit the wall about nine feet up in the air before landing on her ass.

When she got up she rubbed it.

"My ass." Harlow groaned and when she got to me she just laid beside me.

I threw the ball again to mess with her, but she didn't move once she laid down.

"Someone else can get that one. Someone who's ass doesn't hurt." She mumbled against the ground.

"You're such a big baby." I giggled at the sight.

"You didn't just land on your tail bone." Harlow groaned loudly.

"I love you." I giggled as Harlow whined in pain.

"You are very lucky the feeling is mutual." She mumbled.


"Babe, there is a letter in the mail for you." I tossed Harlow the letter as I walked passed her as she sat on the couch.

"From who?" Harlow asked as she opened the envelope.

"Doesn't say." I shrugged.

I listened to the rattling paper as she opened the envelope before pulling the letter out of it.

"Who is it from?" I asked over my shoulder as I put some popcorn in the microwave.

Harlow didn't respond. She left me with silence.

"Who is it from?" I asked again to only be answered with the same silence.

When I turned and looked at her I saw her hands turning white as they clutched the paper to the point where it was seconds away from ripping right in half.

"Hey, hun?" I called out to her in a soft tone. "Sweetheart?" My feet carried me across the floor. "Harlow." I spoke a little more sharply to get her attention.

"It's from the scientists who fucked Tate and I up."

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