It Was Early

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POV: Tate

Nothing better than waking up and walking inside to see Demi's family causing chaos. Her mom is cooking while her dad is watching the television. It isn't even eight in the morning and they're over here. Like, what the hell? Who wakes up early to go somewhere? Thanksgiving was bad enough. We had to leave for Demi's parents house at ten. Who do these take me for? I mean really. Harlow and I did eat what everyone else couldn't eat since it was thanksgiving and it's normal to eat a shit ton of food.

"Tate, grab a plate!" Demi's sister, Dallas, threw me a paper plate like a frisbee.

"Thanks?" I raised a brow and then the scent wave of food hit me like a brick wall. Holy fuck I'm in heaven.

I looked over to my right to see Harlow walking out of Demi's room, rubbing her eyes with her fists with a loose sweatshirt and a random pair of athletic shorts on.

"Oh, now that's pretty." I teased her as I pointed at her hair.

"Oh leave me alone T. I just woke up." Harlow growled, but then yawned.

I gave her a wide eyed look. Normal people don't growl like that. Oh fuck. Oh fucking shit.

Harlow's face went pale as soon as she realized what she did.

"Is there a dog in here?" Demi's dad asked from the couch.

Demi came put of her bedroom in a hurry before standing in front of Harlow. "No, I was watching a funny dog video on my phone that one of my friends sent me." Demi tried to play it cool, but her frantic movements and breathing didn't do her any justice.

I coughed once loudly and made sure to get some fluid in the cough to make myself sound sick with hopes it would draw the attention to me.

"Tate, are you alright?" Demi's mom asked with a raised brow.

"Yes ma'am. Just sinuses from the changes in weather. If I ate something I'm sure it would make it better." I gave Demi's mom a convincing smile.

"You're in luck then! I made a little bit of everything." Her mom smiled brightly at me.

Crisis. Adverted.

POV: Demi

"Meet me in my room after you finish eating my little wolf." I made sure intimidation rolled off of my tongue with ease as I whispered in Harlow's ear.

"Yes Mistress." Harlow whispered as she bit her lip to keep her stature the same.

I hummed in satisfaction.

"So Harlow, how is school?" My mom asked as she made Harlow a plate stacked with food, not even asking Harlow how much she wanted and what she wanted.

"Good. My grades are still solid and sports are really starting to take off for me." Harlow gave my mom a bright smile.

"I'm sure you've told me before, but I forget everything. What sports do you play?" My mom raised a curios brow.

"Football and track. I'm the main wide receiver for my team and I run all kinds of tracks, like hurdles and long distances as well as short sprints." Harlow spoke with a smile. Sports are her happy place.

"You should come see one of her games. She's incredible." I smiled proudly.

"I might just have to take you up on that offer. I'm sure your dad would too." My mom smiled over at my dad who wasn't even facing her direction as he watched the tv. "He loves football, so I'm sure he'd come with me." She shot Harlow a quick smile as she handed her her plate of food. 

Harlow quickly thanked her before scurrying away to the dinning table, just across from the kitchen.

My mom waved me over before whispering in my ear. "She's doing everything she can to follow rules right now. What did she do to deserve punishment after we leave?" My mom chuckled before running the plate under the sink water.

"She didn't follow my directions which were to not get into anything with her brother. They started that shit last night, so that's why I'm being hard on her." I played it off with ease as I stirred my coffee.

"Ah, don't hurt her too bad. I want to be able to watch her play a game of football." She let out one quick giggle before just letting a smile fall on her face.

"Who said hurting her would be her punishment?" I let a frown fall on my face before I realized what I said. Oops.

"This quickly turned into an uncomfortable situation with your dad around. That's like cussing at your grandma's house. Don't talk about sex with your dad five feet away." Mom whispered to me.

"Hey, you made the comment." I put my hands up in surrender.

"Yeah, and I ended the conversation." My mom sighed and shook her head.

"I told you not to do anything normal people don't do in front of my family." I sighed as I circled around Harlow as she sat in the chair so her stomach was exposed for my choice of punishment.

"I know, it was early and I wasn't thinking straight yet. I'm sorry Mistress." Harlow whispered in shame.

"I'll only give you three, but you have to count and thank me. If you're good you'll get a reward." I smirked to myself.

"May I ask what that reward may consist of?" I could hear the shutter of excitement in Harlow's voice as she got more and more worked up. I haven't even touched her yet.

"Hmm, maybe, but I may also want to blindfold you and tie you up so you're helpless and I get to do whatever I want to you. Whether that be sexually torment you, or fuck you into next week. I just haven't decided yet." I smirked, but I was being honest. "Since it was truly a minor accident, I'll use the rope and not the cane."

An audible sigh of relief escaped Harlow's throat.

"Oh sweetie, don't get too relieved. There will be plenty enough time for that later. Now count and thank me." I brought the rope down on her stomach, purposely going under her breasts because I don't want to mark those up. Those are mine.

"One, thank you Mistress." Harlow bit into her hand as she tilted her head back.

"Don't bite your hand. I want to hear you." I snapped at her.

"Yes Mistress." Harlow mumbled.

I brought the rope down again, making sure to not go as hard as I could. She knows I save that for the last blow.

She let out a shaky breath after quickly thanking me, knowing what's coming her way.

I brought the rope down as hard as I could and a loud moan erupted from her as her back arched in response. She then thanked me in a slur of moans when I wasn't even touching her.

"Oh my dirty slut. What am I going to do with you, hmm?" I chuckled lowly as I roughly grabbed her arm and pushed her onto my bed. "Bed, now." I ordered shortly and she quickly laid down on the bed with her wrists and ankles ready to be tied to the bedposts. She then answered my question with the correct response.

"Whatever you want Mistress." Harlow looked me dead in the eyes as she bit her lip.

I hummed in satisfaction as I quickly blindfolded her before she made me take her right away. I enjoyed how she squirmed under my touch as I tied her wrists and ankles to the posts.

She squirmed, trying to get some friction somehow where she needed me the most, but I am far from getting to that part.

"Ah ah ah my little wolf. No relief just yet." I smirked to myself as the possibilities raced through my mind.

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