I Can Trust You, Correct?

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POV: Harlow

It was dead silent. The only thing that could be heard was Tate's labored breathing from being in pain.

"Enough with the awkward silence. Someone talk." Demi groaned. "Harlow, Tate, at my sides. Now." She sighed, but her voice was sharp and the two of us would be stupid not to do as she ordered. She's ordering us right now to show that we're tame and at the same time to protect us.

"What am I supposed to say? 'Oh, cool. My daughter is dating a werewolf.' Are you crazy?" Demi's dad was in complete shock, and a hint of fear was in his eyes when he saw me glare at him.

"She is the same girl you met at the restaurant. Remember when her brother was about to rape me, but two wolves saved me? I present to you the two wolves." Demi gestured to Tate and me as we stood at her sides. I reached her elbow, but Tate only reached her hip.

"They did that?" Demi's mom asked in shock.

"Yes, they did and I will never be able to repay them for that." Demi nodded. "Harlow, tell them how it happened and include how matches work." She ordered me and I nodded before telling her family every detail I could remember, and Tate filled in a few bits that I couldn't remember whenever it was needed.

I watched her family closely as I told them, but their expressions were extremely difficult to read.

"So there you have it. My girlfriend and I are biologically made for each other, and there isn't a thing we can do about it. I love her. She loves me. Harlow is still Harlow. Tate is still Tate." Demi spoke proudly.

"Shouldn't they be in some lab or zoo? They're animals." Eddie scoffed, but his fearful expression didn't fade. It took everything in me to keep myself from growling at his statement.

Demi's mom didn't know what to say. She wanted to stand up for Tate and I, but this is something no one can expect. "We kinda already went came from the lab soooo." Tate hesitantly spoke.

"I'm calling the police." Eddie reached for his phone, but Demi snatched it up before he could get it.

"For what? These two could shift before they got here and you'd look like a delusional idiot." Demi snapped. "She is still Harlow. This is still my girlfriend." Then she pointed at Tate. "This is still my girlfriend's twin. He is still Tate. And last I checked, these two just saved your ass!" Oh shit. She's pissed.

"Know what? Fine. Just don't step on my property again you fucking mutants." Eddie stormed off into the house. "If I see either of those mutts again on my property, I'm going to shoot them like the animals they are." He yelled at Demi as he pointed at Tate and me as we stood protectively at her sides.

Maddison, Dallas, and Demi's mom didn't know what to say. Eddie has never acted like that, and no one had ever seen a real life 'werewolf'.

Demi's mom took a deep breath before speaking. "I apologize for his actions and outburst." She then turned her attention to me. "Harlow, come here."

I looked up at Demi to see her nod, and that gave me the confidence I needed to walk over to her mom.

"I can trust you, correct?" Demi's mom looked me in the eyes.

"Yes ma'am." I nodded my head once.

"Very well then. Are you any different psychologically when you are in your wolf form?" She asked with a completely calm facial expression, and if I'm being honest it's scaring the shit out of me. I did my best not to flinch when she straightened out one of my tufts of fur that stood up when I nearly killed the bitch ass hoe who threatened Demi's family.

"The only difference is that I am more protective over her and the people I care about, but I would never hurt your daughter. I only hurt people to protect her and my brother. I will do my absolute best to protect your family now as well if you guys get drawn into this somehow, and I know Tate will be by my side helping me." I spoke with confidence to show that I wasn't lying.

She nodded before taking another deep breath. "I'm going to go to bed, so goodnight kids. Call me if you need anything." She then walked back into her house.

"Is there anything I can prove to you that I am the same person or that I am tame?" I asked Demi's sisters since they were still in shock.

"Is that why you started to run after the ball when I threw it the other day?" An amused smile crept on Maddison's lips.

"Yes," I chuckled.

"I think we all need to just get some rest. We've had a long night, and that isn't either of y'all's faults." Dallas cleared that part up before continuing to speak. "I'm going to head home. Goodnight everyone."

"I guess that means I have to go inside now too." Maddison mumbled. "I want you two to know that I see you no different than I did before. I have a more open mind than most people." Maddison hugged my neck, then hugged Demi, and then patted Tate's head. "Goodnight guys." She spoke over her shoulder as she walked up the steps into the house.

"Well you two, do you want to cram into the car or run home and I'll meet you there in a few minutes by car?" Demi looked at Tate and I.

"I'm in the need of a good run." I answered honestly.

"Same," Tate hung his head low.

"I'll race you." I squinted my eyes at Tate and then we both took off.

"Be careful you two!" Demi yelled to us as we ran into the woods.

POV: Demi

That actually went better than I thought. I thought they'd get up and run, but instead they let my dad blow up and my mom rationalize before letting everyone sleep on it.

It's obvious that Tate and Harlow are already here, because the lights are on in the backyard and I hear one of them, Tate more than likely, rummaging through the cupboard that has the blankets in them.

"I'm home." I called out as I opened the front door only to be greeted with every light in the house off except for Harlow's bedroom lamp.

I sighed as I flipped the living room light switch and walked to Harlow's room. She was sitting in the corner of her cave-like bed, staring off into space with an emotionless expression.

"Harlow baby, I'm home." I spoke softly, but all I got in return was her nodding her head once. "What can I do?"

"Just break up with me. Your dad will hate you till you do." Harlow whispered and I sighed before crawling into her bed with her after taking my jacket and shoes off.

"My dad can act like he hates me all he wants, but he doesn't. I also won't break up with someone just because of how someone else sees the person I love. I would never break up with you. I'd rather be dead than be without you." I pulled her down onto the mattress beside me and held her closely. "I'm not going anywhere baby girl."

Harlow slowly nodded her head in my neck.

"We're okay. Everything is okay. Just close your eyes. I'll be here when you wake up. I promise." I spoke softly before kissing her forehead.

I hummed her to sleep, but before she let herself slip into sleep she mumbled a nearly inaudible 'I love you' and then kissed my shoulder.

I didn't want Harlow and Tate to show their other form the way they had to, but it's kinda like a bandaid. You've just gotta rip it off, because if you don't you'll avoid it till you can't anymore.

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