Apologize ahead of Time

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POV: Demi

"I'll walk to school tomorrow so you don't get in trouble." Harlow spoke in a hushed tone as she sat beside me on the couch. I was watching tv, and she was acting like she was interested in what I had on, but in reality she was bored out of her mind.

"It's going to rain all day tomorrow. That's not going to happen." I shook my head.

"You'll get in trouble." Harlow looked over at me.

"No, I won't. I asked your mother since she is friends with my family and she said it was fine that you were staying here and it would be okay if I took you to school. It's a private school. Not a public school." I assured her, even though I was iffy about it as well. But she is not going to be walling in the rain. Absolutely not.

"I've got football practice tomorrow after school. Can I continue to stay here a little longer, or do I need to find somewhere else afterwards?" Harlow's voice was so pained. So weak and fragile. The exact opposite of what you'd expect to hear from her.

"You stay as long as you want and need, hun." I smiled over at her.

"I might get back a little late since practice runs till ten at night." Harlow was thinking about something, but brushed it off.

"How will you be getting back?" I raised a brow as I took a sip of my tea.

"My two feet." She shrugged, but looked away when she knew I was giving her a look.

"I'll be there at 9:45 in case it ends early." I spoke in an authoritative tone. Here we go again.

"I can't ask you to do that. You'll have school in the morning." Harlow started to protest, so I repeated myself.

"I will be there to pick you up. Is that clear?" I raised a brow.

"Yes ma'am." Harlow whispered.

A quiet animalistic growl erupted from my throat, but I coughed right afterwards to act like I had a cold. Fucking hell, my dominant side is kicking in. This is not good.

"Are you alright Miss Lovato? Fuck sorry, I mean Demi." Harlow gave me a concerned look.

"Yeah, I'm good." I smiled at her.

She hesitantly nodded. I know she didn't believe me.

"Just a little allergies is all. Go to bed hun. You've got football tomorrow." I smiled over at her and she nodded before standing up and walking to my room.

It isn't helping any that she is being so fucking submissive.

I'm fucked. Yup, I'm fucked.


"That's another lap Harlow." I growled at her as she smart mouthed me for the fifth time today. If she is going to test my limits. I will test hers.

"Fuck off teach!" Harlow snapped at me as she continued to run. "You act like another lap will kill me! Try me bitch!" She threw her hands up as she ran.

"Make it a mile." I raised a brow in a 'try me' manner, and she got the point.

Jackson stood beside me and took a deep breath before speaking over the rain. Rain doesn't stop my classes. "Miss Lovato, I just wanted to let you know why she is like this. She's on her period. I know this since it's the first week of every month and she is a bitch to everyone." Jackson spoke up as he stood beside me. "It's why she snapped so much on the first week of school. She just gets very aggressive and defiant. Just stand your ground. And good luck getting her tired, that has yet to happen. She's run ten straight miles as punishment for her and barely broke a sweat." Jackson looked at his sister as she ran around the track without signs of slowing down. The rain hit her bare skin without mercy, and in a way it made me feel bad for her. But if she put a shirt on, she wouldn't have that problem. I don't want her to put a shirt on though. She looks so much hotter without them.

"Thank you for the heads up." I smiled up at him. He's so fucking tall.

"Thank you for taking the Wolf in." He smirked at me before running in the rain alongside his sister.

The Wolf? What the actual fuck does he mean?

Less than five minutes later Harlow was standing in front of me, drenched in rain water, with slightly labored breathing that she did her best to hide. She hates showing weakness.

"Now what?" Harlow glared at me with a small smirk on her lips. An egotistical smirk.

"What do you mean now what? We're playing tag football, but you keep mouthing off. If you would keep your mouth shut for two seconds you'd know that." I growled.

Harlow looked taken aback, but quickly joined her brother's team that was losing miserably.

She fixed that within ten minutes. Even in the rain, that girl can run fast as hell without hiccups. She doesn't even have cleats on.

I wanted to continue to be mad at her, but when she took her shirt off earlier and her abs were glistening in water, it made my life ten times harder.

After gym was over, I was soaked from head to toe. No joke. I'm cold. I'm tired. And I'm done.

"I'll be here to pick you up." I looked over at Harlow as she exited the girls' locker room.

She simply nodded before taking a huge gulp of water.

"Text me if you need me sooner." I walked passed her without another word.

She's been a complete and total bitch to me for no damn reason, so if she is going to be like that I'll be an emotionless bitch. Two can play this game. I don't even get this moody on my period, and that says a lot.

I saw Jackson walk out of the guys' locker room and I immediately called him over.

"What's up teach?" He asked out of breath and his hair was soaked. He doesn't have anywhere near as much stamina as his sister.

"What did you mean when you called her a wolf?" I raised a brow.

"That's a story for her to tell, but what I can tell you is it's part of the reason why our father is pissed with her." He gave me a sad nod before trotting over to the exit so he could go straight to practice.

"Well fuck me." I threw my hands up and just walked out of the building to my car.

"Hey, Demi!" Tanner, the cross country coach, flagged me down on my way to my car.

"What can I help you with Tanner?" I turned to him with a fake smile as I stood beside my car door.

"I want to apologize ahead of time for whatever you see tonight." Tanner gave me a serious look, and I took a step back.

"What am I going to see?" I reached for the door handle to my car.

"That's not my place to say, but I'm sorry ahead of time if it scares you. She means no harm. I promise she's a good kid." Tanner sighed and looked at his feet before running back to his car. He looked back at me, still standing frozen in shock, and gave me a small smile before getting into his car.

What in the actual hell is going on?

One second Jackson is calling Harlow a wolf and the next second Tanner is low key warning me about something. Guess who isn't sleeping tonight? This bitch here.

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