Pitch Black Outside

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POV: Harlow

Playing the football game the a few days after getting the paddle wasn't exactly easy. The shoulder pads kept pushing on the bruises and from there it just went downhill. I put a compression shirt with padding on it with hopes that it would make it better, but it didn't do shit for me when I started to move around more.

A few scouts are sitting on the bench with Demi. I don't know if they are college scouts, olympic scouts, or what, but I know they are scouts. Which is definitely huge. I glanced over at Tate every now and then who is in wolf form, watching the game from the tree line. His jet black coat makes him nearly invisible to the human eye.

"Someone get on Harlow!" The other team's quarterback yelled and two guys immediately ran over and stood in front of me.

Man, I'm here to intercept balls. Nothing more or less when I'm defending, you ass-wipe.

"Set, hike!" The ball snapped and I ran back to go follow their wide receiver who was the more reliable one, but what I wasn't expecting was to get tackled to the ground, and they landed on my back, knocking all of the air out of my lungs.

I just laid there, face down in the grass after taking my helmet off once the red flag was thrown.

"Let's see you continue after that dyke!" The other team's quarterback yelled.

The ref threw an additional yellow flag for his behavior.

Within a split second the other team's quarterback was sent flying back ten feet once Tate got ahold of him in wolf form. He quickly tore his pants and everything underneath off before running back to the woods, leaving him speechless as some tried to chase after Tate to get his pants back, some called animal control, and some ran away.

I looked over to Demi with a small smirk on my face, but I was still laying on the grass, trying to breathe and find it in myself to get back up.

"Harlow, are you alright?" My coach came running onto the field after Tate left.

I simply nodded before coughing some and sitting up on my elbows in a weak plank position.

"Can you continue? If not it's completely fine. You've already scored over forty points and it's not even the third quarter." Coach lightly patted my shoulder.

"I'm okay." I struggled out before looking over at the other team's quarterback running away with his helmet covering his dick.

"Do you need help up?" Coach offered me a hand and I took it after gaining the strength to do so.

We won which is definitely a big surprise, note the sarcasm. The scouts offered me some full scholarships, but the NFL and Olympic scouts will be here for the last game of the season.

"What Tate did was brilliant." Demi laughed as we made our way out to her car. Well, the nice car I got her, but nothing is too good for her.

"Low, run!" Tate yelled from somewhere, and without hesitation I picked Demi up and started to take off.

"Get her!" I recognized the voice. The quarterback.

"Demi, go inside the gym and to your office. Let Tate and I handle this, okay?" I set her down on her feet as I took a deep breath to see how close they were.

"I'm supposed to protect you as your Dom though." Demi mumbled.

"You do protect me from the worst thing that can hurt me, myself." I kissed her forehead before ushering her into the gym.

"Where to now Harlow Rogue? Orphan girl. No wonder why your family beat up on you. You're ugly as shit!" The quarterback laughed and his minions joined.

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