No Matter What

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POV: Demi

It's been a week since her father decided to 'step in' and Harlow still won't look at me. I can't tell if it's her dropping her guard around me, so she doesn't have to put the fake smile on, or is it that she doesn't want me to even know about what happens behind closed doors with her and her family. I already caught a glimpse of it, and I think that scares her.

"Miss Lovato, we need you out here." One of the football players ran into my office with a panicked expression before bolting out of my office when he saw me get up to follow him.

Harlow and her brother were getting the shit beat out of them.

There were three guys against Harlow, and three guys against Jackson. One pinned their left arm and left leg to the wall, one pinned their right arm and right leg to the wall, and the third beat the shit out of them.

Jackson seemed to be doing better off, so I went to help Harlow first.

"Enough!" I yelled as I charged at the group.

They continued to throw fists, but when Harlow saw me she somehow snapped out of her trance.

She jumped up, letting the two guys hold her up, and kicked the boy who was hitting her in the balls before elbowing one of the guys who had her arm pinned to the wall.

At this point I decided Jackson needed more help, so I tackled the guy who was hitting him to the ground and called for help.

"Code Purple. Severe purple." I quickly rushed my words through the walkie talkie before helping Jackson get out of the guy's grasps. "Help me out here." I looked at Jackson after I got him free and he nodded.

When I turned back to where Harlow was, I saw all three of the boys on the floor while she leaned against the wall, trying to catch her breath.

I felt someone grab my hair before throwing me backwards into the bleachers.


That was the last word I remembered hearing before the lights suddenly turned off.

"You better run!" Harlow yelled just before I passed out.

"How is she?" A familiar voice panicked beside me.

"She should be awake here soon. I don't see the need to call an ambulance. I mean, her dad said that she's tough and she won't let us take her when she wakes up anyways." A softer, yet more mature voice spoke on the other side of me.

"I should've saw it coming." She muttered.


"I could've stopped them." Her voice got softer by the second.

"Don't beat yourself up over this Harlow. You already beat yourself enough as it is." The more mature voice whispered.

"I could've fought them off. Kyle shouldn't have gotten her. All I needed to do was get Jackson free and then we could've handled it with ease, but no. Since I zoned out and started to accept the punches instead of seeing the opportunities to fight back till I saw her running at us. There was no way she could take all of them." Harlow's voice got closer, indicating that she sat down.

"Harlow, she's going to be okay. She'll have a concussion, but with rest she'll be fine." I felt a soft padded finger brush a strand of hair out of my face.

"I'm o-okay." I mumbled weakly and tried to stand up. Daddy didn't raise no bitch.

"Harlow, I can't help her to her office. Can you do it or are you too sore?"

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