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POV: Harlow

I did something I had never gotten the chance to do last night. It was completely foreign to me, but I loved every second of it.

"Harlow, what colors would you rather." Demi snapped me out of my thoughts as she held her tablet in front of me with a bunch of wedding color schemes.

"Huh?" I looked at the screen and was overwhelmed.

"Were you listening to a word that came out of my mouth?" She sighed and I shook my head no. Didn't want to lie. "I said what colors for our wedding would you rather. I personally like the neutral scheme, because we could do so much with it."

"I like that one the most, but the bottom line is whatever you want I'm okay with. I just want to marry my everything at the end of the day."

"You might regret that, but okay." Demi smirked. "Who are going to be your bridesmaids?"

"Well, I don't have many friends, so Tate is going to be my best man, and maybe Emily if she wants to." I shrugged.

"What do you want to wear? A dress or suit?"

"Suit," I answered quickly.

"It can't be too boyish. Has to be classy Harlow." Demi gave me a look.

"I know I know. It won't be a men's suit anyways."

"You and Tate go shopping for suits sometime next week. I want to get married before your season starts."

My eyes went wide. My season starts in three months, and I have to be up there in two.

"Yeah, so we have to pick a venue and book it by the end of this week. We will have a girls day, excluding you because you would be no help, to plan more stuff when you go and get suits with Tate." Demi was laying down orders back to back.

"Yes ma'am." I didn't protest, but the look on my face gave away my slight fear of her right now.

She chuckled before turning the tablet back to herself. "You're a mess."


It was in this moment that I knew, that I was indeed, in deep shit. When I say deep, I mean up to my neck in shit.

"Oh shit Low, what are you going to do?" Tate asked me quietly.

"Dude, I don't know." I whispered as I stared at Demi's, now broken, toaster. It's her favorite fucking toaster, and I blew it up. It literally caught fire and I had to carry it outside, and that's where we currently are. Shamefully looking down at the scorched toaster. I tried to cook a steak a little bit in it because I didn't want to get a pan out and everything and I only needed it cooked a smidge, and now my brilliant idea has led to a broken toaster. Not just any toaster. Demi's favorite toaster.

"This isn't an I told you so moment, but I told you not to."

"I know Tate, I know."

"We don't have time to get another before she gets home. The girls are already on their way. Emily texted me thirty minutes ago so they must be cl-" Tate stopped speaking when we heard car doors shut.

"Oh shit." We both said in unision.

"I'd say let's hide it, but then you'll be in even deeper shit when she notices."

"She'll notice as soon as she goes to toast her poptart in a few minutes." I whispered. I'm scared for both my ass, and my stomach. The cane is going to get me tonight. Do I deserve it? Yes, it was a dumb idea, but it seemed smart at the time.

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