Two Hundred

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POV: Demi

"How is your back feeling?" I asked Harlow as we laid in my bed, just enjoying each other's company. We had a rough day at school today because Harlow got into a fight with one of the male teachers because he was staring at me like I was his next meal which was making me incredibly uncomfortable since he was over thirty years older than me and he looked creepy, so in return Harlow kicked his ass till I pulled her off. No one else succeeded because she wants to know from me that she can stop and that she's done a good enough job. But her fighting worried me due to her back, which would be the reason why I'm asking.

"It's almost completely healed. It was just a bullet, and a little scrap today with a grandpa isn't going to hurt me any." Harlow shrugged with an egotistical smile.

"Let me know when I can mark it up with my own marks." I shot her a wink and she bit her lip in return.

"Soon. Maybe tomorrow." She smiled shyly.

"Not tomorrow. You have a football game tomorrow night and my family is coming to watch you kick ass. If you're good and you do a good job, I'll reward you." I licked my lips as the thoughts of the many ways I could mark up her beautiful skin. "My family will probably want to go out to eat with you afterwards to praise you and they will insist on paying no matter how loaded you are. I'd bring Tate so you don't feel outnumbered, because when you feel like that you get hostile and then I'll have to punish you." I smiled widely and innocently.

The only response I got was Harlow biting her bottom lip and avoiding eye contact, being submissive like it's her true nature; her intimidating lifestyle being a cover up.

"We haven't showered." I pointed out randomly.

"Do I stink?" Harlow mumbled into my neck as she curled up into me.

"No, but you still need a shower in case you got germs on you." I spoke in a stern tone. "I mean, you can help me cut back on the water bill by sharing a shower with me, but if you don't stink, I guess you don't need a shower." I smirked to myself as I crawled out of bed, leaving Harlow to herself.

"I want to shower with you." Harlow sat up on the bed and gave me her best puppy eyes.

"I'll have to think about it." I shrugged as I turned my back to her and got some pajamas out of the drawer that sat just under the window opposite of the bed.

Harlow simply whined in response and it made me chuckle.

"You're adorable." I giggled at her when I turned back around to see her with her shirt off and her pants off. "Is someone trying to tease me so I let them in the shower with me?" I raised a brow.

"Maybe..." Harlow mumbled and looked down at her lap with shame in her eyes.

I clicked my tongue and walked into the bathroom, but left the door open. Just to tease her, I got undressed where she could see me from her spot on the bed, which left her a whimpering mess.

I made sure to pull the shower door open slowly before stepping in, but purposely leaving it open. "You've got ten seconds before the door closes." I watched out of the corner of my eye as she took off her bra and underwear while she bolted to the shower, and closed the bathroom door behind her before locking it and then hopping into the shower with me. "That took eleven seconds." I teased.

"Do you have a stop watch?" Harlow raised a brow as she looked down at me.

"Is someone going to test me today?" I raised a brow.

"No ma'am." Harlow whispered and bowed her head submissively.

"Turn around." I smiled up at her.

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