No Wonder Why

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POV: Harlow

"Babe, have you seen my sweatshirt? I need it for practice tomorrow, so I don't freeze my ass off." I peaked my head into Demi's room to see her giving me a cheesy smile as she was wrapped up in my sweatshirt that was at least a size too big for her.

"Nope, haven't seen it. Try the laundry room." Demi gave me a toothy grin.

In return I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Roll your eyes at me again and bet I don't bend your ass over the bed right now." Demi snapped and I immediately stopped laughing.

My ass is still sore from the last one. I forgot that she told me to be nice to new people, so my actions reflected on my forgetfulness. My actions led to her hand hitting my bare ass fifty times. All I did was punch someone. No biggie really. Nobody likes an egotistical asshole, so I saved everyone around me from dealing with another second of her bullshit by breaking her nose. That was a big no no with Demi.

"I'll give you the sweatshirt back tomorrow morning, because you love me lots and don't mind that I'm being petty of an item of clothing." She smiled at me before resuming reading whatever she was. I don't read. Authors just have to put those big ass words in their fucking books and then my brain goes 'nah, maybe later', and shit never gets done.

I internally sighed, knowing that if I showed any kind of attitude it would definitely not end with me, as I made my way over to the bed to lay beside Demi.

"I'm going to get you hooked on reading my Little Wolf. It's like a vacation into someone else's mind or situation." She broke the silence randomly which slightly startled me if I'm being honest.

"It's hard enough for me to comprehend my own mind and situation. I'd rather not worry about trying to understand someone else's, real or fake." I rolled over onto my side, watching Demi read, after sliding my pants off.

"Is the lamp light going to bother you?" Demi didn't peel her gaze away from whatever book she was reading to speak to me.

"No, I'm not planning on sleeping anytime soon though." I shrugged.

"Why not?" Demi glanced over at me and quickly turned her gaze back to her book once she saw that I was only in a bra and underwear. I'm usually covered by the blankets, but it genuinely is hot in this room. I'm not just saying that either.

"I like watching your facial expressions change while you read. It cracks me up. One second you're looking at it as if you're about to slap someone for being stupid and the next second you look like you're going to cry." I smiled as she blushed slightly. Score one for Harlow.

"It's rude to stare at someone." Demi sighed as she closed her book and laid on her side to face me.

"You should tell yourself that during gym. You stare at my abs and ass constantly." I chuckled.

"Am I not allowed to look at what's mine?" She quirked a brow at me.

"It's a bid strange looking for students to see their teacher eye fucking one of their fellow classmates." I shrugged. "I have no problem with you staring at me." I winked at her.

"I'd fuck you right now, but it's hot as hell in this room and I'd rather not make it a hundred degrees in a matter of seconds." Demi groaned as she rolled over and put her face into the pillow.

She's been horny all day. I could smell the arousal on her from fifty yards away.

"Wait, I can just turn the AC down. Why haven't I done this sooner?" Demi muttered to herself as she threw the blankets off of herself and walked out of the room to go turn the thermostat down I'm assuming.

Yup, I'm going to be feeling this one tomorrow.


"Harlow, pay attention! This is your last warning before I send you to the office!" My English teacher snapped at me. Man, it hasn't even been thirty minutes since school started and I'm already getting yelled at.

"Would you just cut me a fucking break? I mean really. You're so tightly wound up that you're splintering off onto others. No wonder why your husband divorced your crazy ass." I went ahead and packed my stuff up, knowing that I'm going to the office after that stunt.

"Office. Now." The teacher picked up a marker and chucked it at me, but I caught it right in front of my face.

"Nice try teach." I laughed loudly, the rest of the class lightly following.

"Leave!" She grabbed a ruler off of her desk.

"Bitch, I'm trying! If you'd stop throwing shit at me I'd be there by now!" I rolled my eyes as I swung the door open.

"I've had enough of your shit!" I heard the teacher yell behind me before I felt a sharp pain just above the middle of my back.

The class went silent as I stood there in the doorway, but I was scared to know what the fuck just happened.

"Oh fuck, I'm going to jail." I heard her mutter.

I went to speak, but I painfully coughed up blood instead. The red liquid painted my hand. "Harlow, lets get you to the office." I heard someone speak behind me as they put their hand on the small of my back.

I was frozen though. The pain that was pulsing through me right now was indescribable. I got shot there not too long ago in my wolf form, but it's a different pain. One that reminds me it's there every time I try to take in air.

"Someone call 911!" Another kid spoke.

"No!" I heard the teacher yell, but a lot of noise soon followed her plea.

"I need you to take one step forward for me Harlow so I can go to the office to get help." I recognized Tyler's voice as he did his best to gently press me forward.

My feet wobbly took steps forward, the shock from me being in this amount of pain suddenly freezing me on the spot.

"How in the hell did that happen?" Tanner suddenly came into view and he properly braced me by my shoulders.

"The English teacher lost her fucking mind. Some guys from the baseball team have her restrained though." Tyler spoke in a calm tone as quick footsteps faded down the hallway.

I tried to ask what was wrong with my back, but when I went to speak again, more blood came out with a cough.

"Don't try to speak, Harlow. Keep your breathing as slow as possible." Tyler gave me a worried smile.

About a minute later I heard a very pissed off voice. One that was laced with both pain and worry.


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