White Suit

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POV: Harlow

"Are you nervous?" Demi asked me as we sat in the nearly vacant parking lot of the building that has the address in the letter attached to it.

"More so nervous of what the answers to my questions may be than anything, but sitting here is just going to make it worse for me." I sighed before checking the tree line for Tate's bright golden eyes. Once I saw them briefly meet mine out of sibling instinct I let out a breath.

"Come here." Demi regained my attention by turning my head to face her with her hands cupping my cheeks.

I leaned in and pressed my lips gently to hers. "Let's go in before I back out or kill all of them."

She let out a nervous sigh before getting out of the car and running to my side of the car and opening my door for me. I know better than to test her right now.

My hand twitched to reach for Demi's as we made our way towards the front door, but I know that I can't show affection for her in public because no matter what, she still is my teacher. That fact was proven earlier today when I popped one of the balls just to piss her off.

Demi opened the door for me and held it. As soon as the scents started to reach my nose I started to get antsy.

"We can't do anything else with her. We succeeded and we also failed to kill her before her presence was noticed by the public." A familiar man in an all white suit with a black tie spoke to a man and a woman as I sat patiently beside him.

"I paid you extra to kill it. It's a pest. Get rid of it." The unfamiliar man growled at the man in the white suit. The man in the white suit feeds me. Who does he think he is talking to my care giver like that?

I jumped up and went to lock my jaws around his neck, but his arm stopped me before my head got anywhere near his body. I knew I should've stopped chasing my tail this morning. I'm still dizzy.

"It's not tame either! You said it was!" The man who keeps snapping at the man in the white suit stood chest to chest with the man in the white suit.

"She is a very unstable creature that needs love and a caring human family to raise and tame her. Two things we cannot provide here." The man in the white suit snapped. "Here is her collar and leash, if I find out that you hurt my work I will end you Rouge." The man in the white suit reached in his blazer pocket to pull out two rope like things and shoved them in the angry man's hands.

"I am not getting near that mutant." The angry man spat.

The man in the white suit walked away, so I went to follow, but the doors quickly closed behind him before I could get to his side. I whimpered at the defeat.

"You put it on it. You're it's mother. I'll be out in the truck." The angry man spoke behind me in a bitter tone.

"Harlow, snap out of it." Demi shook my shoulders and I looked up from the ground to see a man in an all white suit. I know that suit. I know that man.

"Hello Harlow, it is a pleasure seeing you again." The man stuck his hand out for me to shake, but I stepped in front of Demi in a protective stance.

"Cut the bullshit. You handed me back over to my father knowing he would abuse me, why?" I snapped at him as I instinctively bared my teeth.

"Because we weren't allowed to keep you any longer. If we did the government would've shut us down and then we'd all be in trouble. I contacted you to ask if we could resume some testing. With each test would come a reward. Knowing that you have more money you can ever dream of spending, I would give an answer to one of your questions at the end of each session." The man in the white suit smiled brightly at me. His teeth were a brighter white than his suit.

"Why do you want to test me?" I snapped. "I'm not a tool."

"I would like to test you to see if there was a way I could... make you normal again." The man in the white suit sighed. "It's been eating at me ever since you left this clinic."

"I like the way I am. I like being different, and my girlfriend loves me for it, so you can kiss my ass. Why do you actually want to do testing on me?" I growled.

"To see how we did it. There, I told you." He groaned and threw his hands up in frustration. "I want to see if we can change people into different animals other than wolves, because so far you and your twin that went missing are the only two that made it."

"I will never let you test me for a reason like that. I will never let you hurt someone like you hurt me. Day after day you pumped that blood into me. Day after day you pushed me to be less human. Day after day you pushed me to become feral so I could be more like my litter siblings. So you know what? Fuck you!" I punched him square in the jaw and he stumbled back.

"After all I've done for you, you won't let me run a few tests? I made you who you are by hand. I made it so you can be the athlete you are today, and don't think I don't know your brother Tate is still alive and well. Not to mention, still in contact with you." The man growled. "Don't you want to know where your wolf mom is?" He smirked.

"She's dead, and even if she wasn't, I wouldn't be able to bond with her the way I did when I was younger. I am well aware that I am human and she was a wolf now that I am older. She will always see me as one of her pups, and I will always see her as a mother in a way. But she is dead. I saw you kill her. Don't fuck with me like that if you even have a heart. A few minutes ago I believed that there was a chance she and my litter siblings were still alive, but after seeing you like this and smelling the chemical everyone gives off when they lie... I wouldn't believe you even if you had a gun to your head." I growled.

"Let's go Harlow." Demi put a hand on my shoulder.

"No, I want to finish this right here, right now." I snapped at her before picking the man up and throwing him across the room. It was a rather empty waiting room other than a table or two, so he went pretty far without interruption. I quickly ran after him and punched his jaw till I heard it pop multiple times. "You should think before you make people like this, or at least choose a weaker animal." I chuckled lowly before rearing back and punching his right eye. "This one is for Tate." I elongated my fingernail so it was more of a wolf claw than anything before jabbing it the man's chest. "This one is for my litter siblings." I jabbed his shoulder. "This one is for my wolf mom." I jabbed his stomach. "This one is for Demi." I jabbed his chest again. "And this one is for me!" I yelled before elongating all of my nails and rearing back to slice his neck open.

"Don't kill him Harlow. Let Tate do it. No finger prints." Demi stopped me.

I snarled before stepping out of the building and signaling for Tate to come help.

Within five seconds Tate was in the building with us.

"Take him to the forest and finish him. I don't care what you do with the body. Just make sure he doesn't wake back up." I growled lowly before taking my blood stained shirt and pants off. "Take those with you." I put my clothes inside of the man's pockets before holding the door open for Tate. "Come back to Demi's house when you're done." I mumbled to him.

"What about cameras?" Demi asked me as she looked around.

"There aren't any. Tate came here last night and swept the place for any security and cameras. We're fine if we leave right now." I nodded to the car and Demi quickly ran outside with me and opened my door for me before getting in on her side to make our escape.

"Take a shower when we get home." Demi whispered. "The blood on you makes my skin crawl."

I nodded and looked out the window. I know not to reach to hold her hand, because the amount of blood on either one of my hands are enough to paint a fucking room.

"You've got school in the morning too, so only take as long as you need to." Demi added onto her demands, but her voice sounded so scared, and I was the reason behind it.

"I love you." I looked over at her, but she just stayed quiet for awhile.

"I love you too. Just... no more killing unless you have to... please. For me." Demi begged me.

"You have my word." I nodded once.

Demi didn't respond, knowing that the promise I just made will be a hard one for me to keep.

Fuck my life.

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