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"Remember, be on your best behavior kids

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"Remember, be on your best behavior kids. I don't want to be interrupted in the middle of yet another meeting."

"Yes father," the twins answered obediently although neither of them were paying attention to him.

While Harry was on his phone searching for places nearby Midtown that he could ditch school to go to, Astrid was searching her mother's name on google, desperate to find any news article that could reveal the truth of her sudden death.

Norman could only roll his eyes at his children, turning to his assistant once more as they discussed work plans when the car finally came to a stop.

"Best behavior!" he warned as they started to get out of their seats, "Astrid, watch after your brother, will you?"

"Jesus dad, I'm not a fucking child," Harry scoffed as he got out of the car, Astrid faking a small smile to her father.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure he's good."

"That's my girl," Norman smiled for the first time, "Have a good day at school, sweetheart."

With that Astrid left the car and went to join Harry who was waiting for her, already fed up with the day, "That man has never smiled at me like he does you."

"Maybe if you didn't curse at him all the time or get us kicked out of every school he sends us to, he'd smile a little more."

"Or maybe if I resembled mom at all, he'd actually be nice to me every once in a while."

Astrid only rolled her eyes when a familiar face spotted them and she perked up immediately.

"Astrid! Harry!"

For the first time that day, Harry smiled as he approached Gwen, quick to sweep her off her feet and bring her into a tight hug as he spun her around.

Harry was always comfortable in crowds- he didn't struggle to find friends anywhere he went and was always considered a young Norman Osborn because of his charismatic charm.

Astrid on the other hand, was a bit shy when it came to meeting new people.

The nerves always hit her when she was forced into a new crowd- no matter how much Harry thinks she gets popular quickly and has no trouble making friends.

He didn't even know the gist of it.

That's why Astrid stood awkwardly in place looking at the group of strangers watching the pair in amusement.

When Harry finally set Gwen down, he turned to said group of strangers with a friendly smile on his face, "Hey, Harry Osborn."

"Oh we know," a blonde smiled flirtatiously at him, making Astrid roll her eyes discreetly.

She didn't think anyone would notice but someone certainly did.

Peter Parker had heard about the Osborns not only from the press but from Gwen Stacy who gushed about her best friends all the time.

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