When Harry & Astrid Osborn are forced to go to Midtown High with a certain web-slinger, one can only imagine how drastically their life was about to change.
{OR: I have no idea what to write as a description but basically Spidey falls for Harry Osbo...
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An empty casket was buried the week after Helen Stacy called off the volunteers to look for her daughter's body.
The recording she received from Spider-man ultimately made her decide that it was time to let go of the false hope that her daughter would be coming back.
But that made Gwen's father angrier, demanding to hear the rest of the recording which Peter reluctantly handed over as Spider-man, after making sure any evidence of his identity were taken out.
The family really didn't think he could get any angrier but following the days after he received the recording, Astrid reached the final straw when Captain Stacy announced the first thing he'd do when he got back to work.
"I'm going to arrest Spider-man."
"Why would you do that?" Astrid asked, despite usually being quiet ever since she and Harry found themselves living at the Stacys'.
"Why wouldn't I? He's a nuisance to the community, hasn't been much help since your father killed my daughter- which leads me to believe maybe he was in on it all along-"
"Have you ever thought maybe he hasn't been seen much since is because he's morning too? Gwen was the first person he wasn't able to save-"
"She shouldn't have been a victim in the first place! If he had just kept his distance, she'd still be here today!"
"George," Helen now said more sternly.
"Why don't you say what you really want to say?" Harry now spoke up, "It isn't Spider-man's fault. It's ours. If we hadn't become friends with Gwen, she wouldn't have gotten into all that trouble."
"You know what? Maybe you're right."
"George, please."
"You know, I completely agree Mr. Stacy," Astrid frowned, "Maybe it is our fault. But it isn't Spider-man's. Blaming someone for doing everything in his power to help her- to help you. That's not right at all. And we all know Gwen didn't risk her life just for the hell of it. She trusted him-"
"And she trusted you! Look where that got her!"
Silence filled the room and Astrid felt Harry start to grip tighter onto the table, making her put her hand on top his.
"Don't. I can see where I'm not wanted. You won't have to worry about the little orphan girl anymore, Mr. Stacy. I'm leaving."
"Astrid, honey-"
"I'll go too."
"Let's go, Astrid."
As Astrid and Harry walked the dark streets of Queens moments later, Harry was the first to speak up.
"You shouldn't listen to him, you know? It isn't your fault."