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Peter is Spider-man

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Peter is Spider-man.

It makes sense.

He was always gone or 'busy' as he says it.

He got ripped out of nowhere, even didn't have to use his glasses anymore.

He had quick reflexes.

He's freaking 'friends' with Spider-man.

The Stark internship- it was always him going around as Spider-man. It had to be!

Astrid couldn't think straight, all that was going through her head was the thoughts of Peter and Spider-man.

It was all setting into place now.

Part of her wanted to yell at Peter, ask him if what she was thinking was true but she knew she couldn't.

Not only did she not have any real proof, she didn't even know where to begin with him.

Was she angry? Sad? Happy?

She didn't know what to feel.

Astrid considered asking Gwen for her advice but for some reason, she didn't feel comfortable about it.

She didn't know why but this whole thing felt like a giant secret. If Peter couldn't even trust her with this secret, why should she trust anyone else with her suspicions?

In the end, she decided on just tackling the situation head-on.

Astrid marched right up to Peter after school, smiling politely at him in an attempt to not make things too obvious- she even made sure to put her hands in her jacket pockets.

"Hey, Pete."

"Oh! Astrid, hey."

He almost went the rest of the day without thinking about the letter yet actually talking to her- just her in general, it brought it all back.

"So, I was hoping you could send a message to Spider-man."


"Yeah," she continued to smile, "I was hoping you could tell him to meet at my place today."

"Um... for what? If you don't mind me asking, of course!"

"I don't mind at all," she chuckled, "I actually have a new idea for his suit. I would go straight to Mr. Stark but, I don't have the connections you do."

"I could always take it to Mr. Stark for you," Peter offered, even though he knew she would not be taking him up on his offer.

"No, I think it'd be better if I meet with him. I expect him on my roof before I go to sleep- okay?"

"Okay," he sighed, feeling defeated.

"Thank you," she beamed, leaning over to kiss his cheek before walking off.

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