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The entire Stacy family were crying messes when Gwen first came to them after staying hidden for the months she was there

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The entire Stacy family were crying messes when Gwen first came to them after staying hidden for the months she was there.

When she did decide she would be staying though, she knew she had to officially tell her family the news.

They didn't doubt her for one second, all welcoming her back and wanting to spend every minute possible with her to make up for lost time.

A lot of things really changed since they got back.

Peter and Miles were finally friends and Peter even spent most days teaching him all that he knows.

He also kept the picture Astrid took of the other Astrid's baby in his phone, mostly to tease May about what his kid will look like but also seeing a baby with his and Astrid's face just made him fall even more in love with her.

But until that moment came, his main focus was graduation.

"It's ridiculous is what it is," George Stacy scoffed after taking photos of Gwen with Astrid and Harry, "You're presumed dead for a couple years and suddenly you can't graduate with your friends? It doesn't make sense."

"It's fine, dad," Gwen rolled her eyes playfully, "I don't need to graduate with them to know I did it."

"Still! I would like to see my daughter graduate."

"I can't help but agree," Mrs. Stacy frowned, "I always dreamed of the day I got to see you in your cap and gown giving your valedictorian speech."

"Well, I'm sure MJ's got that all handled for me."

"And besides," Harry pulled a cap and gown out from behind his back.



"Just entertain us, Gwenny," George gave her a look, making her sigh as she took it from Harry.

"If I get in trouble, I'm blaming it on you," she scolded her father.

"You won't get in trouble. Just stick by Astrid, she'll be able to sweet talk you out of any trouble."

"Well, I'd hope so. I am becoming CEO of a giant company tomorrow. If I can't do that, I don't see how I shouldn't be able to help Gwen."

"Are those old men still giving you trouble for that? Cause I can go down there and-"

"I can handle them myself," Astrid smiled softly at Mr. Stacy, "Thank you though."

"I already offered to help too," Peter sighed, "But she refused."

Mr. Stacy frowned at that, "I get that you work out a ton now but how exactly could you help?"

Peter was at loss for words, realizing for the first time that despite the fact that he told a lot of people his Spidey secret, didn't mean everyone knew.

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