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Everything was perfect- or rather almost perfect for Peter

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Everything was perfect- or rather almost perfect for Peter.

He had Astrid back, so that was going well for him, but he also had reoccurring nightmares of exactly what Mysterio had shown him in his illusions.

After constantly dodging Astrid's questions about what he made him see, Peter finally gave in one afternoon while they were having a date in the city.

"I... I saw you... you were uh... you were in bed, sick. Blaming me, hating me for everything I had done to you."


"That wasn't the worst part," he cut her off before she could begin consoling him, "The worst part was holding you while you died and not being able to do a thing about it."

Astrid watched him sadly as he fiddled with his hands.

"And I... I see it every night and sometimes... sometimes I forget it was just an illusion and I feel an intense pain. It... I'm scared that one day that'll come true, Astrid."

"I.... I can't say that it won't, Peter- the me being sick bit," she answered truthfully, "But I can say that I won't let anyone take me from you any sooner than it has to be. I will fight that disease with all I have in me, Pete."

"Good," he sighed in relief, taking her hand in his, "Cause- and as cheesy as this must sound- loosing your hurt a lot worse than getting hit by that train."

"You're right, that is cheesy," Astrid teased, "Stop it."

Peter smiled softly, "I know that probably upsets you a little-"

"Upset me? Why would that upset me?"

"Just... you're probably already thinking all about how this is affecting me and how it'll only get worse if you get sick and you don't want to put me through that pain-"

"Peter," she stopped him, "I promise you I wasn't thinking that."

"You weren't?" he asked suspiciously, obviously not believing her.

"Nope. We started a new leaf, remember?" she reassured him as she played with the locket she hasn't taken off since he officially gave it to her again on the plane back home, "There's no scaring me away."

Peter smiled softly now as he nodded, "Good... but... aren't you going to fix that? I'm sure there's a place around here that can fix that giant scratch at the back of the locket."


"Is it too expensive? Cause I'm sure I can-"

"Cause it's perfect the way it is," she smiled as she reached over to hold his hand, "There's nothing to fix."

"Really? Not even-"

"Nope. If anything it just reminds me off all we've been through to get to where we are. And I couldn't be more grateful to be with you here today despite it all."

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