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Peter went from the highest high to the lowest low within a few days

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Peter went from the highest high to the lowest low within a few days.

Astrid never did get to find out why Peter was acting so weird because the next thing she knew, Gwen was telling her that Ben Parker had passed away.


That word remained in her mind.

It wasn't a simple old age passing because Ben Parker was at top health and he wasn't old at all.

He was taken from the world- taken from May and Peter.

Astrid felt horrible for Peter.

She knew Ben was like a father to him- he was a father to him when his own dad left him when he was just a kid.

She couldn't imagine losing her dad so suddenly now, she couldn't even begin to imagine what he was feeling.

"You know, I've never thought out it this way before," Astrid began, "But Harry and I were really lucky our mom died when we were babies. We didn't have to go through the pain of losing her- we barely knew her."

Gwen nodded, "God I remember when I went to my grandfather's funeral, my mom wouldn't stop crying. I felt so bad and I barely knew him. I don't even want to think of what Pete's like."

"I'd be surprised if he even came in today," Michelle mumbled, for once a book nowhere in sight just in case Peter did walk in.

Everyone had heard of the man shot in Queens and even if they didn't know Peter exactly, it was easy to spot him walking into the school.

He had a frown on his face, his eyes swollen probably from crying all weekend and as if he got no sleep.

He looked destroyed- physically and mentally.

He felt it too.

He was so happy about his powers and finally feeling comfortable in his own skin, only for said changes to have caused his uncle's death.

He felt horrible.

Had he not been out trying to figure out his new powers, he would have remembered to pick up his Aunt May and not have gotten into an argument with Ben when he got home late at night.

And if that argument didn't happen... Ben wouldn't have been out so late at night looking for him... and he wouldn't have gotten shot.

It also didn't help that he basically let the guy who shot his uncle go.

With his new powers he was supposed to be helping people yet here he let one of his favorite people die because of him.

All eyes were on him as he made his way to his locker.

Gwen was the first to hug him, the others soon joining them.

By the time Astrid hugged him, Peter broke down, saying between tears, "This is all my fault."

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