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Astrid arrived at the meeting location early that morning anxious to see Peter

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Astrid arrived at the meeting location early that morning anxious to see Peter.

Ned already told her he'd be making an appearance after all but, of course, no one else knew that.

When Peter Parker did come running to the school bus, mostly everyone was surprised to see him.

"You seriously can't expect to just be welcomed back like that," Flash scoffed, only to have Mr. Harrington prove him wrong in a matter of seconds.

While he boarded the bus with a now jacket-less angry Flash following after him, Astrid went to Peter, "Sit with me?"

Peter looked towards Ned for help but he was beat by Gwen who wrapped her arm around him, "We're sitting together buddy. I need to discuss something with you."

Gwen may not have been happy with her best friend keeping a secret from her, but she would always protect her and help her, no matter what.

"Bu-but what about Michelle?"

"Leave me out of this," Michelle grumbled, already boarding the bus herself without so much as looking up from her book.

Peter sighed quietly, following after her and sitting in the back, waiting for Astrid to join him.

He couldn't even begin to imagine what she was going to talk to him about but he definitely wasn't excited about it.

Astrid on the other hand was thinking of ways to bring up Spider-man to Peter.

Should she just burst out and say or it work it into the conversation?

She wasn't sure.

She took a seat next to Peter, surprised when he laid his head on her shoulder.

"I'm tired," Peter faked a yawn, making Astrid roll her eyes- knowing this was all an act.

Two can play that game, Parker, Astrid thought.

"Fine. You sleep. I talk."

"Ta-Talk? About what?" Peter asked, suddenly lifting his head.

"I thought you were tired?" Astrid smirked.

"I am," Peter frowned now, "I just- well, I can't sleep if you're talking."

"Uh huh... so I guess you don't want to hear about how in love with Spider-man I am."

"What?!" Peter yelled a bit too loudly, catching the attention of everyone on the bus.

"Be quiet, Parker! Some of us are trying to sleep!" Flash complained.

Liz rolled her eyes, "You all only get an hour- after that we're starting practice."

Peter didn't even listen to Liz and instead looked towards Astrid again.

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