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Astrid really didn't think Harry was being serious when he declared himself and Liz as her and Peter's double date

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Astrid really didn't think Harry was being serious when he declared himself and Liz as her and Peter's double date.

But when the night came around, she found out pretty quickly just how serious he was being.

She greeted Peter with a kiss, letting him put the corsage on her and even letting her dad take pictures of them.

"You take good care of my girl, Mr. Parker," Norman Osborn smiled softly down at Peter who immediately nodded.

"Of course, Mr. Osborn. I'll protect her like my life depends on it."

Norman now gave Peter a confused look, "I mostly meant making sure she had a good time and no one took advantage of her... how crazy are high school parties nowadays?"

"Not crazy at all, dad. Peter's just a tad bit overdramatic," Astrid chuckled nervously, "We should get going though, Pete."

Peter nodded, allowing her to hook her arm with his and going to lead them out when Harry came running down the stairs.

"Leaving without me, really?"

Astrid frowned, but before she could protest, Harry turned to his father.

"Mind giving us a ride to Liz's place, dad?"

"Sure. But- Harry just stand with your sister so I can take a picture of you two together."

Harry nodded and did as told before the three were off.

It was definitely awkward in the car, especially with Norman glancing back at Peter and Astrid every once in a while but they tried their best to ignore this one mishap in their night.

When they finally did get to Liz's place, Norman made sure to grill Peter once last time before driving off, leaving the three standing alone in front of Liz's house.

Astrid sighed as they waited for the door to open, "I still don't see why Peter and I couldn't have met you two back at the school."

"You really don't get the concept of a double date, do you?"

Astrid only stuck her tongue out when the door finally opened.

"Well if it isn't the famous Osborn twins."

Peter remained frozen once he saw who Liz's dad was.

Everything was a blur then and there.

All he could think of was that Liz's dad was the big bad guy he had been fighting for months.

He so desperately wanted to get Astrid out of there or at least tell her about it but he couldn't, not with their every move being watched.

He hoped he'd be able to leave without raising suspicion but, surely enough, by the time they got to their school Mr. Toombes wanted to speak to Peter alone, which, of course, had everyone confused but they weren't about to argue with him.

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